Ok, here's the deal on creatine.
They're a lot like glycogen in a way. Like if you carb deplete and then exercise, if you give your body enough carbs you can SUPERsaturate glycogen stores. This means that instead of 100% (which is full normal stores) you might get 150% storage.
With creatine it's the same. If you exercise and take it after, you can supersaturate creatine stores. So if you don't exercise that day, then you didn't deplete the creatine stores and there is no stimulus to store anything. If you're over 100%, which you should be if you take it after lifting, then taking more without a stimulous does nothing. That means you basically waste it on off days.
So you should load for the first week, 20g a day spread out, but once you finish that you can go to 5g after workouts, but 3g would be the minimal does (bigger guys would need more).