Creatine Ethyl Ester SIDE EFFECTS :(


Right guys stay with me on this before ripping the shit out of me...OK here goes I've been taking creatine for years with no sides apart from slightly swollen face so to try and get rid of that I brought some creatine ethyl ester which should have helped stop this ...great worked a treat but soon I started to notice heart palpitations and headaches shortness of breath ( yes I am drinking shed loads of water ) so I came of it and things went back to normal....waited a couple of weeks and started again, fuck same probs returned.... I cycled again to make sure and fugg they returned after 2 days this time I felt like I was having a heart attack with sharp pains.....anyway to cut a long shit ass story short anyone else had these sides or am a a fricking freak ????

I desperatly don't want to stop taking the ethyl ester as it's given me great gains and I feel twice as strong on it :D

anyway stats if important are

10% bf
sarah-jane said:
Right guys stay with me on this before ripping the shit out of me...OK here goes I've been taking creatine for years with no sides apart from slightly swollen face so to try and get rid of that I brought some creatine ethyl ester which should have helped stop this ...great worked a treat but soon I started to notice heart palpitations and headaches shortness of breath ( yes I am drinking shed loads of water ) so I came of it and things went back to normal....waited a couple of weeks and started again, fuck same probs returned.... I cycled again to make sure and fugg they returned after 2 days this time I felt like I was having a heart attack with sharp pains.....anyway to cut a long shit ass story short anyone else had these sides or am a a fricking freak ????

I desperatly don't want to stop taking the ethyl ester as it's given me great gains and I feel twice as strong on it :D

anyway stats if important are

10% bf

A lot of CEE products are stacked with NO2. You might have one . . .not that I have ever had those reulst from either but I thought I'd throw it out there
Well I'm using Pro Creatine E2

500mg per capsule
Creatine Ethyle Ester HCL
Dicalcium Phosphate
Silcon Dioxide
Magnesium Stearate

Anyone heard of any adverse effects with the above incrediants?
you might be taking too much. i believe thah the unused creatine that is not taken up by the body turns to creatinine, which is toxic to the body. looking at your stats, i'd guess that your matinence level should be about 3 grams per day. i could be wrong, hope someone else chimes in.but try lowering the dosage, see what happens.
creatine atricle
I've dropped to 2 tabs a day for the last two days but still getting some heavy heart palpitations, and still the loss of breath.

bugger I want to stay on this stuff as the results are impressive!
nickr27 said:
i take super charge creatine monohydrate and the only side affects ive had was acne.

acne from creatine? never heard of that.

remember the priorities: 1. eat right
2. train hard
3. rest
4. supps
if my #4 priority was giving me heart palpations, i'd never take it again. not even a little bit.
getfitdoc said:
acne from creatine? never heard of that.

remember the priorities: 1. eat right
2. train hard
3. rest
4. supps
if my #4 priority was giving me heart palpations, i'd never take it again. not even a little bit.
words to the wise...
Ended up in Hospital

Well I did stop taking it but it was too late... ended up in hospital with a highly irregular heart beat and an ECG machine strapped to my chest so far a week off work...I guess I should have been less stubourn! now I can't train and am confined to a bed.

Apparantly talking to the staff this isn't the first time people have ended up in hospital because of creatine I felt like a right idiot explaining all the protein and supps I take...although the nurses seemed to like visiting the fit bloke on the ward :D So not all bad :D
Sorry to hear that man
My personal expewrience with CEE, has been with Cee Pro from Muscle Tech.
I got SEs for the first time ever with any supplement. Not too major, just indigestion for the first time even in my life, about half an hour after ingestion and lasting 2 hours. Also damn thirsty, more than when I was using monohydrate. Other than that no worries. Current dose 4g a day total.
well to cut a long story short I ended up in hospital again this time much worse...turned out for 1 month I was being gased to death by our boiler with carbon monoxide poisoning...3 gp's and 2 fugging doctors failed to diagnoise the end my girlfriend figured it out by buying me a carbon monoxide heart is severally fugged and I can't even walk to the gym let alone train...well anyway this is a warning to everyone who reads this to buy a carbon monoxide alarm before it's to late!!
sarah-jane said:
well to cut a long story short I ended up in hospital again this time much worse...turned out for 1 month I was being gased to death by our boiler with carbon monoxide poisoning...3 gp's and 2 fugging doctors failed to diagnoise the end my girlfriend figured it out by buying me a carbon monoxide heart is severally fugged and I can't even walk to the gym let alone train...well anyway this is a warning to everyone who reads this to buy a carbon monoxide alarm before it's to late!!

fuck , sorry to hear that . how long are you supposed to be sick for ( if they told you) , and long term health probs.

hope ya get better soon :)
holy shit dude, that really sucks. part of my family almost died from carbon monoxide poisining. luckily for their sick grandma's oxygen tank beeping they woke up and discoverd that the air was foggy and called the fire dept. Carbon monoxide is some scary shit. i would def reccomend a detector too.
So youre sayin that all that happened cause of carbon monoxide and has nothing to do with CEE? p.s. hope you get well soon
Damn what a story, and a nice example of how people blame suppliments and steroids for all thier non-related problems. (not that I dont feel for you).

Best of luck with recovery!
f you use it again, i would just use 3g of pure CEE before workout, and thats it. I dont find a reason to use it after. If CEE doesnt bloat, why take it after to "fill your pump" Just take 3g pure before for energy. Also, i know the bottle says to take more doses and higher doses, but thats just so u have to buy another one sooner.