Right guys stay with me on this before ripping the shit out of me...OK here goes I've been taking creatine for years with no sides apart from slightly swollen face so to try and get rid of that I brought some creatine ethyl ester which should have helped stop this ...great worked a treat but soon I started to notice heart palpitations and headaches shortness of breath ( yes I am drinking shed loads of water ) so I came of it and things went back to normal....waited a couple of weeks and started again, fuck same probs returned.... I cycled again to make sure and fugg they returned after 2 days this time I felt like I was having a heart attack with sharp pains.....anyway to cut a long shit ass story short anyone else had these sides or am a a fricking freak ????
I desperatly don't want to stop taking the ethyl ester as it's given me great gains and I feel twice as strong on it
anyway stats if important are
10% bf
I desperatly don't want to stop taking the ethyl ester as it's given me great gains and I feel twice as strong on it

anyway stats if important are
10% bf