Creatine Question


New member
im about to start using some creatine this fall/winter, i was taking cell tech last yr but i got fat from all the water weight and i looked like shit (was also noticable)i was wondering what is a creatine that would be effective, but have the least bloaty effect. But if cell tech is the most effective, then i guess ill just have to deal with the excess water weight. Also how long should i take the creatine, how many grams, to make it work the best with the least water weight gains.
Swole V2 by syntrax, and there is a new kind of creatine out... creatine ethyl ester... (CEE) supposed to be good stuff, with less bloating.
Well creatine works by drawing water into your muscle cells, so I don't think another brand is going to make any difference.

I'm not convinced that any one brand is better than any other, except that some products such as cell tech combine creatine with other "transporters" such as ALA and dextrose.

You only need about 5 grams per day of creatine. You can take it indefinately.
its not just the brand...

granted... some people dont "respond" to regular creatine monohydrate...

some of the other brands (swole V2, San V12, and Satur8, to name a few) use creatine dimalate or trimalate (sp)...

many people who have no effects from regular mono like this stuff, and report little water retention.

as for CEE... its rather new, so i dont know much about it - but it seems to be promising.
ok, i started on tuesday loading creatine mono, first time in 2 years, and I have gained close to eight pounds in a week here, i am eating evrythign in site, not shit food either, protein stuff, and noodles, but man i was peeing 24/7 w/o creatine, now i pee barely, i am swallowing down a gallon to 1.5gall a day(water). I sweat a lil more too, but, what im getting at is, my stomach hurts a lil from this stuff, is it because im loading(4X a day)? man, f$#*ed up sh*t
4x a day of what serving? 5 grams? If so yea thats fine. Only load for like a week give or take. I just completely skip the loading completely. Just personal opinion I guess.
RRAdam said:
Swole V2 by syntrax, and there is a new kind of creatine out... creatine ethyl ester... (CEE) supposed to be good stuff, with less bloating.

Currently taking creatine ethyl ester hcl and am getting some good results... I would recommend it to anyone.
from the pulldown product categories find "creatine ester" at, i am taking the Serious Nutrition Solutions CEE and seeing good results. many new CEE products since i bought mine, so don't know about them, but SNS works well.