critique my diet


New member
0700 meal 1 50-75g oats with skimmed milk and 25g of raisins & 1 can of tuna

1000 meal 2 ham & tomato sandwich on wholemeal bread & 1 can of tuna

1300 meal 3 low fat cheese and lettice sandwich on wholemeal bread & 1 can of tuna

1630 meal 4 1 can of baked beans (low salt and sugar) with 100g of baby carrots (pre w-out meal)

1900 meal 5 chicken/lean mince beef with 2 different veg and brown rice or brown pasta (post w-out meal)

2130 meal 6 wholemeal bagel with low fat cheese or peanut butter

2600-2800 cals per day, 180-210g of protien and 200-250g of carbs and 50-70g of fat, wednesday meal 5 is a cheat meal, either a pizza or a cheese burger and another cheat meal on saturdays.

my stats 5'7 154lbs at 9-11% bf
your right my diet is to maintain, because i workout at home and i cant lift heavey i cant bulk.
so im just concentrating on maintaining and trying to improve on my bf%.
im 154 at 9-11%, i'll be happy if i can get to 157 at 9-10% with the relitivly light weights i have available.
hopefully i can do this in the next 12 months then i should be able to afford gym membership.
Looks like you'll put on a little size with those calories, in reference to your stats...You may switch some tuna out with something else - that's a lot of mercury.
i know 3 cans of tuna may seem a lot but its a very economic source of wuality protien, can you surgest something else?

i know what they say about the mercury in tuna but don't you need to eat like 20 cans a day for this to be a serious concern?
don't you need to eat like 20 cans a day for this to be a serious concern?

I can't say for sure on this one. However i've known a few people diagnosed with dangerously high levels of mercury from eating sushi once a day. A lot of this may depend on how your body is processing it...Like the classic examples - I know people who smoked two packs a day and lived till they were 90...doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

As for other foods - chicken or turkey - I believe they make a canned chicken very similiar in price and calories to tuna - may be a good solution.
supaman61 said:
i know 3 cans of tuna may seem a lot but its a very economic source of wuality protien, can you surgest something else?

i know what they say about the mercury in tuna but don't you need to eat like 20 cans a day for this to be a serious concern?
At one point I was eating about 5 cans a day. and I cant say it had any major affects on me.

Theres alcoholics, drug abusers, chain smokers, obeasity its all bad for us and they all seem to be live to a ripe old age, How bad can an extra can of tuna with a bit of mercury now and then be... :scratchhe
Drako said:
Theres alcoholics, drug abusers, chain smokers, obeasity its all bad for us and they all seem to be live to a ripe old age, How bad can an extra can of tuna with a bit of mercury now and then be

yea, none of them ever die prematurely as a direct result of their idiotic lifestyle choices. :wtf:

T-nation puts out a lot of bullshit articles, but I believe this is one of their better ones. Good read on the subject of mercury:

btw supaman the diet looks good. youll probably end up gaining some strength with very little weight change, depending on your activity level. if your workouts are your only activity, my guess is you will gain a small amount weight for a short time.
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supaman61 said:
i know 3 cans of tuna may seem a lot but its a very economic source of wuality protien, can you surgest something else?

i know what they say about the mercury in tuna but don't you need to eat like 20 cans a day for this to be a serious concern?

not sure if you have stores like costco (that sell in bulk) in the UK,but in the US we do. like mav said, you might find canned chicken for aound the same price as the canned tuna. but they also have huge chicken breasts there and some nice salmon fillets for a good price.
if anything, see the doc. and check your blood for high mercery....if its up! if its not good??? :idea: ......i'm sure you can find a lot of stray cats and dogs protein :laugh3: just kidding...good luck bro.
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Suareezay said:
yea, none of them ever die prematurely as a direct result of their idiotic lifestyle choices. :wtf:
WTF? Like everything people WILL die prematurely even if they do lead a healthy lifestyle.

I remember an article saying I should only consume 2 yolks per week because if I exceeded that amount I would end up with high colesterol which would result in heart disease and premature death, then you hear guys eatin up to 30 eggs a day... Thats WTF!! Proffessional opinions change all the time.

But it is strange how smoking is also bad for you and shortens your life span..

I wonder how long she would live if she ate her 5 a day? Not saying its a healthy lifstyle but afterall this is Steroidology and gear is not considered a healthy choice.

Fuck back in the day my gramps used to play with mercury in his hands like some fucked up toy and hes still alive today.

I know Mercury is bad, so is smoking, steroids and too much water. All Im saying is if somone can be in imediate contact with mercury and still be alive 60 years on whats a tuna gonna do???
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Some old lady lives to be 100 despite the fact that she smokes. This is relevant how? People do stupid shit everyday and wont die.

Nobody is even saying that the mercury from tuna kills you, it is just argued that it hampers your kidneys, brains, quality of life, etc.

And how you even got onto the topic of drug abusers and smokers is beyond me. The original point that was brought up was that <3 cans of tuna per day would probably be a better idea than 3 (which, given the data on mercury, is most likely an accurate statement), not whether or not you can eat tuna and chain smoke and do drugs and not die.
Suareezay said:
Some old lady lives to be 100 despite the fact that she smokes. This is relevant how? People do stupid shit everyday and wont die.
LOL oh Suareezay Im not gonna go head to head with you cos you'll probs win
'When it comes to sarcasm you win the gold' hands down
Anyway on topic I was using it as a response to your first statment:
Suareezay said:
yea, none of them ever die prematurely as a direct result of their idiotic lifestyle choices.
Im sorry if the article read 'Some old lady lives to be 100 and eats her 170,000 can of tuna' would probs be more relevent for those who cant look outside the box.

The point Im trying to get across is that even tho mercury in tuna is bad for us and has plenty of studies to claim this, so is/does smoking but people do it and still live to a decent age, I was using it as a comparison.

If it was really that bad surley it wouldnt be on the shelves in our supermakets, and used in our sandwiches and pasta bakes. I rekkon 2/3 cans should be okay, like I said I used to eat 5 cans per day and if it HAS had an affect on me then Im yet to notice it.

If you start looking like the silver surfer then you might be eating too much. lol
yea, im not saying you cant eat 11 cans of tuna a day and live to be 1,000, but its probably not a good idea to try.