Critique My Katanadrol V3/Gorilla Pharma Epistane 60 Cycle (9 week cycle)


New member
My future cycle. Everything bought just seeing if there is something to add.

Weeks 1-9
Liver Support maybe some Blood Pressure support as well

Weeks 1-5
Katana v3 100mg 100mg 200mg 200mg 200mg (Two Bottles)
Epi 60 40mg 40mg 40mg 60mg 60mg
Forged Burner (maybe)

Weeks 2-5
Iforce Fadogia Agrestis @ 1500mg/day

PCT Weeks 6-9
Liquid Clomid 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg (ID)
Forged Post Cycle (Two Bottles)
Vigor Labs Wrecking Balls (Natty Test Booster)
DAA @ 3g/day

Debating if i should run forma throughout cycle and if i should save forged burner for the start of my pct.
i would add in N2guard on cycle as it contains forged liver and comes with all the other benefits buddy.
id also run the cycle 6 weeks not 5, if you wanna start the forma earlier thats fine i prob would, start it wk3 and go staight into pct but dose it accordingly at the right stage of the cycle, this will only help.
cycle looks solid well done and good luck
Your good man. Up the clomid quite a bit to get your shot going again.

You could jus run a few pumps of forma Ed to control estrogen really. 4 pumps once a day would do it. Forma will kill estrogen off like aromasin so it's a great Aromatase inhibitor (AI).

Like the two bottles of forged post cycle. I like they stuff. Cheaper than HCGen yet still does the job, just not as well.
My future cycle. Everything bought just seeing if there is something to add.

Weeks 1-9
Liver Support maybe some Blood Pressure support as well Get some N2Guard

Weeks 1-5
Katana v3 100mg 100mg 200mg 200mg 200mg (Two Bottles)
Epi 60 40mg 40mg 40mg 60mg 60mg ( I would personally stretch this out to 6 weeks)
Forged Burner (maybe) (not necessary)

Weeks 2-5
Iforce Fadogia Agrestis @ 1500mg/day

PCT Weeks 6-9
Liquid Clomid 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg (ID) (dosing looks good, no need to dose higher than this. I have clinical studies and proof that you don't need more than that)
Forged Post Cycle (Two Bottles)
Vigor Labs Wrecking Balls (Natty Test Booster)
DAA @ 3g/day

Debating if i should run forma throughout cycle and if i should save forged burner for the start of my pct.

See bolded above :)