Critique Short Cut/Recomp


New member
5 9.5 185 lbs 12%bf. Currently 255p/380c/65f on workout days and 255p/90c/128f on rest days. cardio 3 times a week. one of them being the stair stepper. I am trying to really cut down in the next four weeks. Any advice on tweaking my macros? my goal is more visible defined 6 pack and vascularity. maybe 9-10% bf.

Workout Days

Meal 1:
3 eggs w 2 whites
1 cup of oats
4 oz cooked 93/7 ground beef

meal 2:
5.5 oz cooked chicken
1 cup white rice
3 egg whites

meal 3:
naked drink smoothie (68carbs/2pro/0fat)

meal 4: (post workout)
68g from Gatorade
50g protein shake

meal 5:
3 oz pasta

(somewhere in there maybe a tbsp olive oil too)

Rest Day
Pretty much the same without the gatorade and naked smoothie and i'll add some more olive oil and maybe eat 8 oz of beef instead of 4 to get more fats and maybe peanut butter too.


Rest Days
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I would start with 1/2 cup rice on meal 2 and eliminate the pasta in your last meal and opt for cottage cheese.
On rest days, no carbs for meal 2 except for maybe a little fruit.
thanks for the reply traps. so essentially that eliminates about 100 g carbs bringing me to about 280c a day. the only reason i had the pasta in the last meal was for a slow acting carb since i spike my insulin levels with the gatorade immediately after my workout. and cottage cheese has a decent amount of fat and fat is bad when insulin levels are up correct? but besides that 260p/280c/70f you think is a good start?