Curious about bacne on PCT???


New member
Does anyone suffer from this during PCT? I was g2g during cycle but now I'm getting bacne. My PCT is Clomid 50/50/50/50 - Nolva 40/40/20/20 and I'm on my tenth day.
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Does anyone suffer from this during PCT? I was g2g during cycle but now I'm getting bacne. My PCT is Clomid 50/50/50/50 - Nolva 40/40/20/20 and I'm on my tenth day.

Not sure about pct, but I would get it on back and face every time I would run HCG!!!! Can run a gram of test with no problems, add HCG and BAAAMMM, jr high all over again....
Not sure about pct, but I would get it on back and face every time I would run HCG!!!! Can run a gram of test with no problems, add HCG and BAAAMMM, jr high all over again....

I know when I start breaking out while on cycle I just increase my AI and it starts to subside. Could it be that my e2 levels are high?
Does anyone suffer from this during PCT? I was g2g during cycle but now I'm getting bacne. My PCT is Clomid 50/50/50/50 - Nolva 40/40/20/20 and I'm on my tenth day.

Yes, mid cycle every time. Using zinc helps but after 6-7 weeks in bane subsides.
I know when I start breaking out while on cycle I just increase my AI and it starts to subside. Could it be that my e2 levels are high?
It was with me. Some like elevated E2, I have to pretty much keep mine normal to slightly below.