Curyly Hair and Testosterone Levels?


New member
I have naturally curly hair. It started to curl as I entered puberty. In my late teens I could grow an afro that would make most black men jealous. Yes, it could easily hold a hair pic as well as an entire box of pencils, a stapler, etc. It really was a thing of power and might. If I straightened it, it would fall to close to my waist, but barely went past my shoulders due to the curls.

I entered the Navy and they took it all away. When I exited the Navy, it grew back curly, just not as tightly. I did not think much of it, but as I aged it literally became perfectly straight. At some point I found out I had low test levels (natty level of 153) and went on TRT. When I finally got it all straightened out and found a good dose to keep me feeling good, etc., my hair started to curl again. Right now I am running 500mg of test a week and my hair is just as kinky curly as it was when I was in high school (only I keep it shorter).

Anecdotally, I would have to say it is the testosterone level doing it. The only thing that changed was my restoring my testosterone level to normal values (and then supra-normal levels) and me getting older. When my test levels were falling I was also getting older and my hair was getting straighter.

Anyone hear of such a thing? I know testosterone will not give you curly hair if you are not genetically crafted for curly hair, but has anyone heard of testosterone levels controlling the amount of curl in one's hair?
Under the fountain of youth modem..trt has returned ur curly locks it would seem. I never heard of this but stand s to hair on my head ( and EVERYWHERE ELSE ) grows in faster and thicker than ever AND is dose dependent. Finger nail s and toe s too But why oh why not my average white guy tool. It s is a muscle and I work that sum bitch w or w-o a uh hum...partner.

Things that make u go hum.
I shave my head, and have done so since my early teens as I too have crazy curly hair, and absolutely detest it. Every time I go to grow my hair back out, just to see how much my hairline truly has receded, I go nuts two to three weeks in and shave it again.

I guess I'm saying that I'd love to add to your sample study, but there's just no way I can let it grow long enough to find out. :wiggle:
I shave my head, and have done so since my early teens as I too have crazy curly hair, and absolutely detest it. Every time I go to grow my hair back out, just to see how much my hairline truly has receded, I go nuts two to three weeks in and shave it again.

I guess I'm saying that I'd love to add to your sample study, but there's just no way I can let it grow long enough to find out. :wiggle:

Do it for science, man! :afro:
I dont have much hair on my chest. If on Test-E cycle hair on chest grows, will the hair be permanent or they will go once the cycle ends?
Any answers?