Cutting up

I dont want to get in crap for saying use the search button, but at 24% body fat, seems like a strict diet and increse cardio might do the job. Maybe let us know what your age, weight etc.. these guys are good help but you cant short answer them with info.
Well, I'm 41 yo and 182 lbs been workingout for about 6 months. Just started doing 30 to 45 mins of cardo about 2 months ago. Please let me know if yall need anymore info.
What does your diet look like? What does your workout consist of? What do you do for cardio? etc--the more details you give the easier it is for people to help you? 24% is very high you need to eat cleaner--whole foods = fresh veggies, lean meats, cut out processed foods and fast food altogether.
Typically with people i encounter at bf above 20% their main probelm is a lack of quality nutrition. Most of their meals involve eating out and sporadic eating patterns.

My advice without knowing a lot about you:

Start out doing your cardio (20 min - 4x / week), Start increasing 5 min / session every week. At your age i would stick with using a non jarring cardio machine (elipitical would be excellent). Max out around 60 min. Starting low and working high will ensure you don't hit a plataue. You can always add a fatburner down the road.

As far as workouts go - Use a 2 on / 1 off - 2 on / 2 off system



I don't know your recovery ability so you'll need to determine sets. I would try and stick with reps of 12 - 15. At low maybe 10 on some compound movements.

As far as your dieting eliminate foods that are processed. I wouldn't be hell bent on trying to change your whole life right away. However once you start to get used to typical healthy foods, start eating about 1.5g protein / lb Bodyweight and 1 - 2g carbs / lb bodyweight (varying in between ED). Keep fats low.

Hope that helps its pretty general, but thats about all we had to go with.