Cycle Advice - Test, Tren, Anadrol


New member
Alright, fourth cycle going to try something a little more aggressive this time but nothing too crazy. I want to give tren a shot (get it? haha). I've used tren once before as part of a mixture and apart from sweating a lot I didn't notice any negative sides.

My proposed cycle is as follows. I am planning on using anadrol for four weeks, taking a 4 week break, and then going back on it for four weeks. I have read conflicting information as to whether or not using drol and tren simultaneously is wise so feel free to provide feedback. This is the first cycle I have tried to plan out on my own without any help so if you see any problems with it please let me know but please do so in a constructive manner.

Sust will be injected twice a week (every 3.5 days) Monday night and Friday Morning.
Tren will be injected every other day

Weeks 1-4 ....... Anadrol @ 50-75mg/day
Weeks 1-4 ....... Sust 250 @ 600mg/wk

Weeks 5-8 ....... Sust 250 @ 600mg/wk
Weeks 5-8 ....... Tren Ace @ 350mg/wk

Weeks 8-11 ....... Anadrol @ 50-75mg/day
Weeks 8-11 ....... Sust 250 @ 600mg/wk
Weeks 8-11 ....... Tren Ace @ 350mg/wk

Weeks 12-15 ..... Sust 250 @ 600mg/wk
Weeks 12-15 ..... Tren Ace @ 350mg/wk

PCT will be triptorellin, nolva, and clomid. This is what I used last time and recovered fantastically (according to blood work).

Edit: I also have adex on hand already and am researching proviron to see if I should add it to this cycle as well. Again, feedback on this would be appreciated. The adex I have come in 1mg capsules so I plan to open them up and take 0.5mg eod.
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You should definitely get something to help your liver running anadrol and tren together. I would look into cycle support or nac. I personally wouldn't run anadrol in the second half of your cycle. Run tren @ 75-100mgs atleast eod. That would be plenty. You should look into a dopamine antagonist to have on hand while running a 19-nor. 1mg adex caps will be very difficult to split accurately due to the fillers inside. You wouldn't be getting an exact .50mg every time. That can cause some issues. Rui has adex and their banner is at the top of the page. That would be a better route to take.
usan an AI liek dex 0.25-0.5mg eod from start to finish and i highyl rec getting a bottle of prami from RUI ad have it onhand due to tren.
good luck!! : )
Thanks guys! I will definitely look into prami and liquid adex so it's more easily measured. Do the doses I have posted for test, tren and anadrol look reasonable though? I assume they do since both of you focused on the ancillaries (which I still appreciate as I know they are equally important).
Doses look sensible to me, I like drol @ 100mg/d but if you're getting results with less then by all means keep it there.

Tren @ 350/wk is a great starting dose...some guys even do less, 175-225mg/wk and like it, after multiple tries I've found 500-700mg/wk is my 'sweet spot'
Looks a good cycle mate, i wouldn't mind giving it a go my self at some point in the near future, on online dairy would be interesting.
If I find I have the time I will create a cycle log for it. I'm not opposed to raising Tren doses partway through the cycle as snowpatrol mentions however I want to start reasonably low and adjust as necessary.