Cycle and Critque


New member
Hi im going to do a cycle with
Dianabol 50 ED 1-6 Weeks with 50 mg tablets, imma cut them up into 3 pieces for 1 in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Testosterone Enanthate 500 2 shots per week EW 1-12 weeks
Clomid 50mg ED PCT
Nolvadex for 25mg ED during the cycle and the PCT
Can anyone give any advice while on the cycle, i did a Test E cycle 1 year ago.
Stats: 6"2..........225LBS........8%BF 24 Years old
Why the SERM (nolva) ED during your cycle? Are you prone to gyno? You will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to help with bloat/blood pressure/etc that come from the aromatization of the dbol and test. I don't see one listed, so I would pick up some adex or aromasin. Aside from that, it looks like you've got it pretty well squared away. :)
Yea im pretty prone to gyno. I could get it just from drinking soy milk for 6 months
How much would blood pressure control have