Cycle Check in and Question on Upping the Test


New member
Hi Guys,

Curious for some feedback here. Stats:
10% BF
Current cycle, going in to week 6 (goal is to get down to 7% BF while gaining some lean mass.....real unique I know!):
Week 1-16: test testosterone testosterone cypionate / 30 mg - M W F (total 90mg/week)
Week 1-16: test testosterone propionate / 50 mg - M W F (total 150mg/week)
Week 1-10: trenbolone E / 180 mg - M W F (total 560mg/week)
Week 1-16: Primobolan - methenolone - / 280 mg - M W F (total 840mg/week)
Week 1-9: Caber / .5mg E3D
Week 1-16: 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin - - x 2/week
Week 1-16: Aromasin / 12.5mg M W F
'For a while' least 6 months: 3iu human growth hormone - somatropin - ED

First, any comments on the cycle? Note: I am keeping the test testosterone cypionate here bc I am on a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) @ 120mg/week, when off cycle that is. My thought is that I want to avoid the time it takes the testosterone cypionate to get back in my system when the cycle is over however I really like test testosterone propionate hence mixing them during the cycle. So far, I have experienced some testicular atrophy I believe....I blasted 1000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin - 3 days in a row last week and my balls did drop back down and return to normal size. Should they crawl back up and shrink significantly, is there a big risk in blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin - again?

Second question, when I am done with trenbolone, I am considering bumping the test testosterone propionate to 350 mg a week bringing the total test dosage to 470 mg a week for weeks 11-16. Do you think this is too much test or an unnecessary increase? I keep reading about low test/higher trenbolone which is why I am taking only 240 mg test a week now but I do not see this train of thought as much while taking Primobolan - methenolone - .

Third question, the first time I took trenbolone I was at about 500mg/week. My sex drive was through the roof and on a side note, the size of my ejaculations were insane. I was on 400mg test testosterone propionate a week as well. I did NOT take ANY caber or aromasin at all during the cycle. I did experience acne however. My sides were about the same as they are this run which are night sweats and a little trouble staying asleep. Any idea here on why my sex drive could be so low this round and ejaculations at about 25% of they were the first run? Kind of a random question on the ejaculation volume but curiosity has the best of me and I rather miss both elements of my first 'affair' with trenbolone.

I look forward to hearing from you guys....bashing, comments, etc.
I see nothing wrong with your cycle. I wouldn't need that much aromasin personally but if it is working well for you...

I don't think it is very realistic to expect muscle gains while you lower bodyfat to 7%. 7% is pretty extreme and I think you'll be lucky to just preserve existing muscle mass while getting that lean.

I wouldn't say there is a "big risk" in blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) again, but that's an issue that I consider unsettled. I think it makes sense to keep your doses lower if you can but I agree with what you did before and would probably do it again if that worked for me.

I don't subscribe to the new "test should be lower than tren" rule. It's arbitrary. No I don't think upping your test dose to 470 mgs. per week is a bad idea. You'll get better results if you do.
I see nothing wrong with your cycle. I wouldn't need that much aromasin personally but if it is working well for you...

Ya know, I actually wonder if some of the reason my sex drive is low is bc my E2 levels are TOO low from the aromasin....I am going to toy with going down to 10mg once a week and see what happens....may drop it altogether for a couple weeks and see how I feel. Am I nuts for doings so considering the cycle I am on ya think?

I don't think it is very realistic to expect muscle gains while you lower bodyfat to 7%. 7% is pretty extreme and I think you'll be lucky to just preserve existing muscle mass while getting that lean.

I think you are probably right - I would be happy with about 3 lbs of muscle while losing 10 lbs of fat though....time shall tell.....I will post before and after pics....hopefully the after pics are a nice improvement!

I wouldn't say there is a "big risk" in blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) again, but that's an issue that I consider unsettled. I think it makes sense to keep your doses lower if you can but I agree with what you did before and would probably do it again if that worked for me.

Glad you agree with this and I am not shooting in the dark here so to speak!

I don't subscribe to the new "test should be lower than tren" rule. It's arbitrary. No I don't think upping your test dose to 470 mgs. per week is a bad idea. You'll get better results if you do.
Im going to go this route!

?#3= You never mentioned test in your last cycle? Tren will lower libido as well as ejaculate size. With that being said, test will increase libido and quadruaple your volume of ejaculate. These are simple researchable facts! If you miss the benifits of your last cycle, look more at the lack of testosterone and not at the increase in trenbolone- tren A and tren E act similar but the Enanthate is a longer acting esther!7 years in med school and I still gravitate towards anabolic/androgenics/narcotics and NSAID meds.
?#3= You never mentioned test in your last cycle? Tren will lower libido as well as ejaculate size. With that being said, test will increase libido and quadruaple your volume of ejaculate. These are simple researchable facts! If you miss the benifits of your last cycle, look more at the lack of testosterone and not at the increase in trenbolone- tren A and tren E act similar but the Enanthate is a longer acting esther!7 years in med school and I still gravitate towards anabolic/androgenics/narcotics and NSAID meds.

Thanks for the feedback....sounds like you know your stuff....I appreciate it. I am tempted to increase my test a week and a half early after reading your response.....another question for 'guys' seem to be having trouble keeping their size this cycle....a lot of crawl inside trouble often times and about 40% normal I mentioned, I blasted with some HCG a few weeks ago and this worked to get them back to normal size and to drop but this only lasted for about a week. My cycle contains 250iu HCG 2x week but this amount doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I have read that sometimes adding 25mg-50mg clomid to ones cycle can help this situation....what are your thoughts on this? Also, I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) when off cycle....160mg/week test you recommend any sort of PCT after the this cycle as opposed to simply just going back on to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol? Most of what I read says there is no point in any PCT but some folks do recommend it strongly. Thoughts? Lastly, do you have any experience with Primo? I had planned on running my cycle 16 weeks as I have read that there is no point in running primo under 12 weeks and it really shines week you believe this to be the case? I am thinking about stopping the cycle at 14 weeks as 16 weeks just seems damn long especially considering I do not compete and only use steroids because I like them and their affects on me. Maybe I am just splitting hairs here though....