Cycle Help- Back After Awhile


New member
What's up everyone, hope everyone is doing well. I'm 28 not 20 just the handle.

I used to be a regular reader and poster. I took a step away but I'm back and I'm starting to begin my investigation for my first cycle in years.

Full transparency I had to take some time off from training because I had a Nissen Fundoplication & Hiatal Hernia repair at the end of August/2016. This resulted in a very tedious recovery, significant weight loss and muscle atrophy. This is definitely one of the reasons I'm starting to do my research about getting back in the game.

I've never done a proper cycle, only var only cycles but I did two of them with great results. This isn't what I'm looking for this time and I've consulted a friend of mine who has done a variety of different combinations.

This is what he tabled as a starting point for my research and I instantly knew the community I wanted to discuss this with because I always valued most people's opinions on here and enjoyed the banter.

Penciled proposal: 16 weeks

Test prop and var- 400mg T-prop a week and 60mg of var daily Spiked to 600mg and 80 mg split after 2 months
HCG and nolvadex pct.

That or replace the prop with sustanon 250 which is short ester long ester combo. Very good strand of gear, but stacks a lot of mass.

I'm still very much in my initial stages and would really appreciate some opinions, insight etc. (I have thorough hormonal blood work that anyone can take a look at)

Hope everyone has been doing well and I look forward to structuring something with the ology help.