cycle longer than 12 weeks?!


New member
24 years old
215 pounds
14% body fat
2nd cycle
height: 6'0
Years training about 4 going on 5.

my question for all of you is. ive been running test for about 12 weeks. im ending my 3rd bottle of test E. ive gotten good results! but i wanted to keep going and F***k shit up. by adding some Deca and some masteron ! for maybe 7 weeks . extra on deca masteron and test.

my pct would be hcg AND nolva/clomid

let me know what you guys think asap. got paid today so going to go splurge if it wont shut me down so bad.
If you are looking to have a good recovery then I'd come off. Deca shot down really bad and it takes 4-5 weeks to kick in.. so if you want to add 7 weeks you'd have 2 weeks of ''deca gains''.. deca is good for 12-14 weeks.. more if you B&C
Deca is better used at more than 8 weeks cycle. I would like to know why you are wanting to plug in the Deca and master. You should know what compounds you want for what you're trying to accomplish. If it is just to keep running then NO, not a good idea. Why would you run Deca at the end as well as why would you run Deca w/ master at the down side of your cycle?

I would like to know your goal here. If you want to lean out you would be better off with NPP and Master prop for 6 weeks along side of Test E for 8 weeks. Then 2 weeks off the PCT.
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everytime i write back it seems to post again, how do i delete one? and my goal is to grow but stay fairly lean, im going to just jump off this cycle. what do you suggest for a PCT i ran test e for 12 weeks. what do you suggest?
everytime i write back it seems to post again, how do i delete one? and my goal is to grow but stay fairly lean, im going to just jump off this cycle. what do you suggest for a PCT i ran test e for 12 weeks. what do you suggest?

Just stop you don't know what you are doing. You say you're happy with the results then stop now ,PCT and eat n train to keep what you have gotten.
Thats cool, i get your point.

ive done my research on what i have put in my body, ive been reading on deca and masteron. masteron isnt worth taking until 10% body fat or so. and deca is good on a bulk or when cutting to maintain the muscles and etc. it isnt full detailed but i have read on it you know "BRO-science" isnt always the best shit to get advice from. you seem to know yourstuff help me out. on my PCT ATLEAST. thank you bro. we all start some where
Thats cool, i get your point.

ive done my research on what i have put in my body, ive been reading on deca and masteron. masteron isnt worth taking until 10% body fat or so. and deca is good on a bulk or when cutting to maintain the muscles and etc. it isnt full detailed but i have read on it you know "BRO-science" isnt always the best shit to get advice from. you seem to know yourstuff help me out. on my PCT ATLEAST. thank you bro. we all start some where

PCT : wait 2-3 weeks after your last test E shot and run clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 ... HCG on pct is not good ; I can't say more about since I never used it
alright, as in 50/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20

you mean 50 each week ? or per day? i like to get things clear so i can do it clear! thank you brother much help needed
yes it is each week

edit : I mean 50mg per day clomid for 4 weeks... 40mg nolva first 2 weeks... then 20mg for the next 2
lol see bro science aint shit i tell my friend that has been on aas for a while he tells me that clomid and nolva is the same shit theres no point in taking it and shit only take nolva .

some friends dont know shit.......

but i have another question my balls are in atrophy mode. (they shut down) and if i take the pct you said itll be good? also how long should i wait till my next cycle
lol see bro science aint shit i tell my friend that has been on aas for a while he tells me that clomid and nolva is the same shit theres no point in taking it and shit only take nolva .

some friends dont know shit.......

but i have another question my balls are in atrophy mode. (they shut down) and if i take the pct you said itll be good? also how long should i wait till my next cycle

If I had the choice between the 2 I'd run clomid.. instead of nolva... actually I did PCT with only clomid and recovered fine; but you better safe then sorry and run both.. its only a couple of $ more. Your balls are gonna grow back to normal size... Now the part that hurts a lot of people... : before your next cycle, rule of thumb is : Time on + PCT = time off..... So you ran a 12 week cycle... you wait 2 weeks before you start pct... you PCT for 4 weeks... That's a total of 18 weeks.. yeah I agree it sucks
lol see bro science aint shit i tell my friend that has been on aas for a while he tells me that clomid and nolva is the same shit theres no point in taking it and shit only take nolva .

some friends dont know shit.......

but i have another question my balls are in atrophy mode. (they shut down) and if i take the pct you said itll be good? also how long should i wait till my next cycle

Cycle weeks on same weeks cycle off after pct. So you wait 12 weeks. Don't take advice on the street. Put it all down and ask on here until you get a few Vets to agree. If I gave you advice at the gym and you know me to be good. Take my advice to this board and get it verified. Get it, don't listen to just one person. NOT even ME....

Look up Clomid and Nolva and find out what they are for yourself.
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