Cycle nearing it's end, thinking about starting a new one instead of PCT. Thoughts?


New member
On November 19 I started a 14 week cycle of 500mg a week of test-E. The plan was to run the test-E weeks 1-14, hCG weeks 2.5 to 16.5, and Nolva weeks 17-20. Around week 4 or 5 I switched to 750mg a week of test (mixing between test-E and a Prop/cyp blend), with 5 weeks of dbol (25mg a day for 2 weeks, 50mg a day for 3 weeks). The dbol ended last week, and I have about 6 injections of test left before I was scheduled to stop (Feb 28).

When the post cycle therapy (pct) for this cycle ended, I was going to run clen and cut for a while, then as soon as possible (~mid June) start a test/tren/EQ cycle with dbol kickstart and run it for another 14 weeks. Numerous people have pointed out to me how stupid this is. Once your natural test production is suppressed, it's suppressed. Why bother doing post cycle therapy (pct) to bring it back up, only to shut it down once again just a few weeks after? If I just transition from the end of this cycle right into the next 14 weeks, I'll only have to do post cycle therapy (pct) once (mid July if my math is right) and I won't have to wait inbetween cycles.

Since I'm missing out on some much needed cutting between cycles, I've come up with this timeline.

Feb 28th - final injection from current "cycle" (end of week 14), estimated weight at that time: 230-235

March 5- start test/tren/EQ (beginning of week 15)

Continue huge caloric surplus with test/tren/EQ up through mid to late May, estimated weight at that time: 240-245

Add Winstrol to test/tren/EQ, ridiculous calorie restricted formula begins (explained below), 2 weeks on clen, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, injections end July 8, post cycle therapy (pct) begins July 22, post cycle therapy (pct) ends August 22, goal weight for this time period: 235 pounds 13-14% bf

The cutting protocol would be 1.5g protein per bodyweight, 35g fat, 100 g carbs (all post workout), and NOTHING ELSE. This would be like 2100 calories a day, which sounds extreme, but at that point I won't be able to stand the fat anymore and will want to cut it for summer anyway. test/tren/EQ maintaining the muscle on such a severe deficit with Winstrol/clen to aid the cut, I'm guessing this will be painful but yield good results.

So aside from grappling with the decision to not end my current cycle and just jump right into a next one, I'm also working out in my mind how the next cycle will look, if it's "safe," and so on. I'll be continuing hCG of course, but it feels like there are other things I should be taking into account for this "harsher" new cycle. Extending it isn't what gives me pause (cuz really starting natural production back up once instead of twice sounds nice), it's just nailing down the details of this newer cycle. I'll have Adex on hand as well, but I haven't touched it once this cycle and I won't be using it preemptively next cycle either.

So assuming the timeline I've mapped out is a good idea, dosage suggestions? Some of the horror stories about tren-E give me a bit of anxiety, but then I remember the horror stories I read about steroids in general before starting the cycle I'm on now. I really think a lot of shit is just overstated for drama, or people who were already a bit mentally unbalanced become even more so while on steroids. So the sides really aren't scaring me too much, aside from hairloss. I'd like to believe Nizoral can do something about that. I've also done a lot of reading about tren that suggests a lower dose of test with a moderate dose of tren is a) still very effective, b) less sides, c) recommended. I guess I'd just like to take the most greedy dose of tren possible - as in, a dose that is big enough to still get the powerful effects while at the same time being small enough to minimize the chance of the harsher side effects.

tl;dr - does this look reasonable enough?

Nov 9th through Feb 28 - test cycle (500-750mg a week with some dbol in the middle) and hCG, huge caloric surplus

March through May - test/tren-E/EQ cycle (undecided doses) and hCG, huge caloric surplus

June through July - test/tren-E/EQ continued, hCG continued, Winstrol added, clen added, huge caloric deficit

July - August - post cycle therapy (pct)

If that looks nice, then I guess all I need to do is figure out my dosages (prefer tren-E so that I can mix them all and pin twice a week, same as my current schedule), continue eating big, and just fiddle with my lifting routine whenever my progress stalls.

This is a lot to think about, so I might be rambling here, but that's where my mind is at right now and I'd love any input.
dude i think if u are going to cycle like that , u can pretty much say goodbye to your hpta . your body will become so dependent on gear u wont recover afterword , not to mention if u real plan on keeping those gains ,u are going to have to stay on gear year round to maintain it. choice is your but id advice unless u dont mind going on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) , u wouldnt do that . you are supressing and playing with your hpta for too long and with so many compounds. eventually when u come off , u are going to feel like shit , and will have problems adjustin , and if your natty test levels stay low , u wont be pleased , feel like shit , will wanna go back , and will start losing gains because your natty test cant support your mass . getting too big on roids and messing up your hpta is the equation to becoming dependent on them . General rule is time on cycle = time off cycle , there is a reason why such things are in place , to give your body a break and let it recover , if u surpress too long , expect to stay surpressed after
im actully on almost an identical cycle and started at the same time as you and im also about to come to an end.. If your not concerned with trying to get your natural horomones to bounce back then go for it but your risk is alot higher when your system is shut down for longer... I have also done a 6 month cycle when i was uneduated and ill probly have to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life because of it. now whenever i do post cycle therapy (pct) after im done with my cycle my system dont really bounce back. although im still trying to get my own system to bounce back as im only 30 so im just going to keep trying plus its good for all your receptors to heal up....