Cycle question...already on it....


I am in week 3 of my omna cycle....this is my last week of 750 mg and 40 mg dbol....i have enough dbol to run 2 more weeks of it at 40 mg....i am going to be running my omna at 500 mg for the rest of the cycle...5 more weeks, and the last 3 i am changing over to ip Winstrol (winny) tabs with the omna and running the 3 weeks after and then hitting the clomid...i am taking proviron throughout the whole gig...should i run the dbol 2 more weeks, or drop it to one more week and kisck the Winstrol (winny) in...this is my first well rounded cycle...

Run it as planned...please start taking some ALA or Tylers Liver factors! You are putting a lot of strain on your liver
i am taking a daily dosage of milk thistle...i will runt the dbol only one more week as planned and then start the winny...what can i expext on the winny/omna combo....

Throw the Milk thistel away and get the ALA or Tylers as LS said.

I wouldnt run it and then jump on Winstrol (winny). Give your liver a break...

Expect whatever you diet towards.
Not to cause any controversy...I know that milk thistle is old school...but if you read and research, so is proviron...but, i had a blood test today and got results for liver from the doc, and he said my liver is, milk thistle cant be bad for the convienience of getting it, why trash the milk thistle...

i use milk thistle my self, i like it, its cheap and cheerful and can be bought everywhere. imo run ala aswell just to be safe. onma/winny combo should provide you with some solid gains, the Winstrol (winny) should increase your strength a little and harden up the muscles.