Cycle Suggestions for a veteran user??


New member
Hi guys!

I am a veteran user and competitor, but my offseason cycles are usually pretty simple and my on-season ones are really intense. I have decided to take this year off from competing and come back in 2016 to hopefully have a good run at a pro card. With that being said, I am going up 1-2 weight classes and will be doing a more advanced offseason cycle and would like opinions on the cycle that my coach suggested. My diet will be on-point as I've been bodybuilding for 11 years and competing for 6 of those 11. I'll also be in the gym 5x per week and having my blood checked every 6 weeks while on cycle (my good friend is my doctor). I am 31 years old, and I'm weighing in at 168lbs as of this morning.
I do NOT want to do deca as I have had only bad experiences (sexually) with it despite different dosing protocols, and I also don't want to do D-bol, as all I seem to get is bloated with it.

I'd love some advice on my cycle.

Sust 250 @ 1000mg/week x 12 weeks
Tren E @ 400 mg/week x 12 weeks
EQ @ 600 mg/week x 12 weeks
A-drol @ 50mg/day x weeks 1-4
T-Bol @ 50mg/day x weeks 5-12
Proviron @ 50mg/day x 12 weeks
Arimadex @ 1mg EOD x 12 weeks
HCG @ 500iu/week (250u 2 x per week) x weeks 3-12

ON HAND IN CASE: Letro and Caber

First 7 days after last injection 5000iu HCG (split in 3 dosage days)

On day 8 begin PCT dosing:

Nolvadex @ 20mg/day x 6 weeks
Clomid @ 50mg/day x 4 weeks
Natural Testosterone booster x 8 weeks

What do you guys think?
I think something doesn't sound right. Your 168lbs? How tall are you? You claim all this bodybuilding experience. A lil more info please...
I'm VERY short!

I'm actually a national champion and North American champion. I have 9 cycles under my belt and I'm only 5'3'' - hence my weight.

Some opinions would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
If you are around 5'5" or 5'6" then that weight is ok for a person who has cycled before. The doses seem very high and running the anadrol and tbol one after another will be rough on your liver. 12 straight weeks of orals is going to be rough man. If you have experience running and think you can handle it then more power to you. Even if you are a shorter guy you should be a little heavier given your past experience with AAS.
Yeah I'm actually not even quite 5'3'' and I am pretty big. I mean I compete in a small weight class and struggle to make that weight class. Last year I cut 12lbs of water in 24 hrs! Hence me embracing my weight and actually wanting to move up 1-2 weight classes for competing in 2016.

That is why I posted for opinions. I typically always trust my coach, but the long amount of time on those orals was my only worry. I have run multiple orals in pre-contest (anavar, winnie, proviron, arimadex) but never something as strong as Anadrol. In fact, I've never done Anadrol OR T-Bol.

ALSO - I have a good cycle history but most were pre-contest cycles and designed for shredding up and not mass. This is only my 2nd real mass focus cycle ever, as I have always been happy with competing at my weight class and only now have decided to move up.

This is why I'm looking for suggestions, so thanks so much for replying.
: )
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My 2 cents -
With all the compounds your running, I don't see the need to run a gram of test. Let the other compounds shine, keep the test in the lower range IMO , your just adding more sides by running it that high with no added benefit
If this is just off season then why not keep it simple? You do all kinds of crazy shit precontest. Id do test and deca. That's it.
Thanks guys!

I can't do deca (for various reasons) and also because I'm really looking to do an intense off-season cycle since I'm not even competing in 2015.

Thanks for the advice on the test though. I may lower it down to 800mg/week instead.
Hi guys!

I am a veteran user and competitor, but my offseason cycles are usually pretty simple and my on-season ones are really intense. I have decided to take this year off from competing and come back in 2016 to hopefully have a good run at a pro card. With that being said, I am going up 1-2 weight classes and will be doing a more advanced offseason cycle and would like opinions on the cycle that my coach suggested. My diet will be on-point as I've been bodybuilding for 11 years and competing for 6 of those 11. I'll also be in the gym 5x per week and having my blood checked every 6 weeks while on cycle (my good friend is my doctor). I am 31 years old, and I'm weighing in at 168lbs as of this morning.
I do NOT want to do deca as I have had only bad experiences (sexually) with it despite different dosing protocols, and I also don't want to do D-bol, as all I seem to get is bloated with it.

I'd love some advice on my cycle.

Sust 250 @ 1000mg/week x 12 weeks
Tren E @ 400 mg/week x 12 weeks
EQ @ 600 mg/week x 12 weeks
A-drol @ 50mg/day x weeks 1-4
T-Bol @ 50mg/day x weeks 5-12
Proviron @ 50mg/day x 12 weeks
Arimadex @ 1mg EOD x 12 weeks
HCG @ 500iu/week (250u 2 x per week) x weeks 3-12

ON HAND IN CASE: Letro and Caber

First 7 days after last injection 5000iu HCG (split in 3 dosage days)

On day 8 begin PCT dosing:

Nolvadex @ 20mg/day x 6 weeks
Clomid @ 50mg/day x 4 weeks
Natural Testosterone booster x 8 weeks

What do you guys think?

I would wait 2-3 weeks after last sust shot since its last ester is pretty long and will have built up in system. I would also rec maybe going 14 weeks with the sust as it is.
i would cut orals ro 6-8 weeks total IMO and i would drop test to 500-750mg ew
honestly the rest looks good, cept i would do HCG the last 4-5 weeks of cycle leading up to BUT NOT into PCT, @ 500iu 2x a week.
Thanks guys!

I can't do deca (for various reasons) and also because I'm really looking to do an intense off-season cycle since I'm not even competing in 2015.

Thanks for the advice on the test though. I may lower it down to 800mg/week instead.

Sucks that you can't run deca. Are you having bad sides or something? The tren is not a good off season compound I am told. If you have a lot of experience with the higher dosage of test then go for it. I would cut the tren, up the eq to 750 mg a week, and maybe give deca one more chance man. Those orals are going to take their toll on you bud.
You might consider NPP. Many guys that can't tolerate deca do well on NPP. All the bad sides on deca are related to that long ass ester. Anyway, the proposed cycle is a monster. In my opinion you don't need a gram of test if your running tren. Just run 300mg a week and let the tren do the work.

Keep on eye on the bloods. EQ is awesome but it really makes your blood rich. Also liver values. thats a lot of orals for a long time.

I'm not quite to the point you are at in competing but i have done my fair share and personally I would not want to run that aggressive a cycle in the off season. It's hard enough managing a cycle like that pre contest. I would just run the test/EQ/and tren or NPP, and blow up like Ramy.

Good luck!! Post up some pics if you can.
juced_porkchop - Thanks so much! Why not running HCG into PCT?

tury694 - Yeah horrible sides! I have tried it 3x at different dosages and with different cycles and all 3 I ended up just stopping with it! I don't know why, but it just doesn't work well with me. I'll definitely be lowering test to 700-800 MAX/week though.

SoCalSwole - Thanks again! I'll look into NPP. I've never done NPP either. I want to definitely keep an oral in there though. Suggestion on tweaking orals without taking them out completely?
juced_porkchop - Thanks so much! Why not running HCG into PCT?

tury694 - Yeah horrible sides! I have tried it 3x at different dosages and with different cycles and all 3 I ended up just stopping with it! I don't know why, but it just doesn't work well with me. I'll definitely be lowering test to 700-800 MAX/week though.

SoCalSwole - Thanks again! I'll look into NPP. I've never done NPP either. I want to definitely keep an oral in there though. Suggestion on tweaking orals without taking them out completely?

For me I am either going to do them or not do them, I just except the risk. Just be sure to take some liver support supps.