Cycle Test P with Anavar - Rate


New member
Hey guys

Age: 27
Lifting solid for 2 years
Started when i was 62kg

Eating is pretty clean. Usually cheat days at on sat-sun

1-15 - 150mg TEST P EOD
2-8 - Anavar 50mg ED
.5 armi EOD

40/40/20/20 Nolva
100/100/50/50 Clomid

Thoughts? Should i add in more anavar?
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you're pretty blood light. are you going to be eating more during your cycle? if so, how many calories and what macro split?

or is your goal to (heaven forbid) lose weight?
First cycle should be Test only so drop the Anavar. Save it for your next cycle.

Your need hCG on cycle.

I would start the AI at .25mg EOD and assess its effectiveness with mid-cycle blood work.

When are you starting PCT?

The 100mg of Clomid seems high. I am not the PCT expert since I am on TRT but you may want to consider starting at 75. Do a little more research.
First cycle should be Test only so drop the Anavar. Save it for your next cycle.

Your need hCG on cycle.

I would start the AI at .25mg EOD and assess its effectiveness with mid-cycle blood work.

When are you starting PCT?

The 100mg of Clomid seems high. I am not the PCT expert since I am on TRT but you may want to consider starting at 75. Do a little more research.

Well he doesn't NEED hcg.

But you're correct on clomid
75/50/50/50 is my norm