experiences with mast p cycles?


New member
Hi to all,when i started using tren i sticked with low test high tren cycles all time and the results are awesome but i wantr to know if is worth to do something like

1-12 testp 50 mg eod
1-12 mast p 150 mg eod

for me low test p and medium high tren a ed with caber is the best cycle,

only want to know if doing low test high mast you noticde well being etc than low test high tren,want to know the experiences of yours,if now i will stick with low test high tren,know that with tren the results are better but wnat to know if with low test mid high mast the well beings etc is better thnan with tren(on tren pinning ed i dont get any side and with the cabeser lol the sex is incredible.

would do you give a try at low test mid high mast?or just stick with low test high tren?only used 1 time masteron but with tren but i dont like use more than 2 compounds

the idea is use test mast for dont be using all time trenbolne cause is toxic

thanks and greetings
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I would add the Mast. On top of the tren and test. If your in good shape the mast on top of tren is awesome. Even throw some var or winny on top and look out. It would make you get the 3-D look. As long as your in decent shape. But that***8217;s just me.

Since your used to tren, im positive you wont be happy with the results of just Mast and Test. But like I mentioned above m Tren and Mast are awesome together.

Hi to all,when i started using tren i sticked with low test high tren cycles all time and the results are awesome but i wantr to know if is worth to do something like

1-12 testp 50 mg eod
1-12 mast p 150 mg eod

for me low test p and medium high tren a ed with caber is the best cycle,

only want to know if doing low test high mast you noticde well being etc than low test high tren,want to know the experiences of yours,if now i will stick with low test high tren,know that with tren the results are better but wnat to know if with low test mid high mast the well beings etc is better thnan with tren(on tren pinning ed i dont get any side and with the cabeser lol the sex is incredible.

would do you give a try at low test mid high mast?or just stick with low test high tren?only used 1 time masteron but with tren but i dont like use more than 2 compounds

the idea is use test mast for dont be using all time trenbolne cause is toxic

thanks and greetings
I would add the Mast. On top of the tren and test. If your in good shape the mast on top of tren is awesome. Even throw some var or winny on top and look out. It would make you get the 3-D look. As long as your in decent shape. But that***8217;s just me.

Since your used to tren, im positive you wont be happy with the results of just Mast and Test. But like I mentioned above m Tren and Mast are awesome together.

yeah i know mast is nice in add of test with tren,but,would do you waste money doing test mast only cycles without tren cause tren damages the liver,or just stic kwith test tren every time?i did like 6 tren test cycles in the past and all time awesome results with diet on point counting all macros all calories and changing kcal during the cycle depends on the results.

when i use tren i use like 525-700 mg per wekk with 175 mg of test per week.I only used winny with tren on time at 50mg ed during 6-8 weeks and dont think never used it again,my joints hurted like never,couldnt train correctly.
this time i got some anavar for my girlfriend.

Anon44,i was trayining during 6 years non stop and stoped during a period of time cause my father commited suicide and then i stoped during 2 year training but i come back stronger than never.
and other thing anon44,i am autodidact,i readed a lot of in the past when i was younger,thanks to this forum and with my effort i got very nice results,people answering me how could make that for get that shape,and all i learnt by 3j articles of roids and diet and by memeber of this forum like you,and my next objective is compete in men's physique.Is posible compete on mens phsysique doing a test tren cycle during 12 week and add some winny/var 6 week out?i know winny destroy my joints but for the competition,would be better winny at 50/100 ed 6-8 weeks rthan var at 50/100 ed 6-8 weeks?know that var is more expensive than winny but isnt a problem but if winny make better 3d look then i think is worth altough fells bad for the joints while i am using.
i have a friend that compete but on my gym no one helped me with this(you know that talk of this on gym or with sdome people is like rare)then this is why when i started at 22 i readed a lot of and did all time all by myself.now want to learn how to prepare me for compete and go to competitions cause this is my life,had bad time these last 2 years cause i lost my father but i need to be stronger.

The thing i want to learn is,how much time is needed cut the water for the competition?and i know that some people quit test 2 weeks out but normally i use 150-200 test p per week,at that dosage is needed cut the test for the water retention?and i need to learn the postures for compete,thanks and greetings for all
Masteron is a great compound but the results wont be like tren. I find less is more. If youre not competing no point going outside of 2-3 compounds. Mast is a dht derivative so itll be nice lean dry gains as long your diet is in order

Majority of people now steer away from keeping testosterone doses higher. I don***8217;t really go beyond 400mg and my typical dose is 250mg of Test a week. So I like your thinking.
And further reading you do want to compete- I would first off recommend getting a coach and kit going off the forum trends. Thats key because everyone is different and youll get mixed opinions from everyone thatll only confuse you. Plenty of coachs online to be able to help you out relatively cheap. There is a science behind competing. Good luck
And further reading you do want to compete- I would first off recommend getting a coach and kit going off the forum trends. Thats key because everyone is different and youll get mixed opinions from everyone thatll only confuse you. Plenty of coachs online to be able to help you out relatively cheap. There is a science behind competing. Good luck

my first cycle was 500mg test with ai,but then on the secodn cycle i started ddoing low test and high tren and i love this cause dont need ai only cabeser for prolactine,but i think do test/mast cycle isnt worth the money if u can use test/tren. masteron or winny for add while using test/tren is nice i tried once test tren mast and liked it at 350 mg the masteron p.i dont pass the 200 mg of test week cause more test = need AI control and more side effects for me,and i like dont worry about use ai,just pin and postcycle.i did 6 test tren cycle and i learnt that if for example,u want make 10 weeks of tren,then do 12 weeks of test p if is tren a,if u want make 12 weeks of tren,make 14 weeks of test p cause,one time i didi the same test tren weeks and using cabeser,and when i started the pct i had the worst depresion of my life and couldnt have sex nor using cialis/viagra,this is why all time i do test tren cycles i pin ED,use cabeser 1mg per week splited and the test p 175 mg per week and this works perfect for me.

And about the coach,yeah,i will make this test tren cycle but when i decide to compete i will get 3J for coaching,if all that i know and the awesome results i got was reading his diet and cycle articles,cant imagine what results can get if he coach me.

Dear kavita,
I felt extremely happy and blessed to read your experiences.U are really a blessed soul.May BABA be with u and everyone of us all the time.

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