Cycle thoughts - 2nd time running


New member
Starting cycle in 2 weeks.

Test E 500mg for 10-12 weeks
Trenevar 45 mg for 13 weeks. starting 1 week prior to Test E
PCT Clomid 4 weeks
T3 50mcg


Cycle Assist
Milk Thistle
Fish Oils

Staples: Creatine, multi, yohimbine, green tea

Thoughts? 2nd cycle. Just joined forum and wanted to see what other people have done.
yeah had some NAC before, i run milk thistle year around. why is clomid weak, it worked out great before and now several others who did same post test E. thanks for response will check out sticky though
Clomid is not weak...just not advised to do a Clomid only pct...
But yea check out the sticky...
And don't waste your money on milk thistle bro...NAC is what you rly need to run year round. It has dozens of benefits on top of liver support.
Aromatase Inhibitor?

And dump the PH.

I have used trenavar before, got some pretty legit gains on it, kept most of it as well. I figure why not i have more on hand :) and as far as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) what would you suggest? Ive had great experience with this stack before and def ordering more NAC any specific dosage? Thanks guys, new to forum so wanted to ask
Im not a fan of PH's.

Personally, I like Adex for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) needs. And as far as NAC goes, just follow the instructions on the bottle.

Good luck.