cycle update


New member
Haven't posted in a long time just wanted to post an update to my 1st cycle which ended the end of October 2007.

some stats:
Lifting serious close to 20 years, 38 now, natural weight 165 lbs (before I started working out) height 5 11"
I got up to 225 -230lb bf around 12% never did any cardio and without any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I was stuck at that weight for 2 years so I decided its time to give it a try.
1st cycle was going to be test cyp 500mg 12wks & deca 500mg 10 wks....I know some people will say stick to one compound for a 1st cycle. The diet was clean but now I know I didn't eat enough.
Like most 1st time users I couldn't tell if it was working or not I had doubts about the gear...fake or not. After 2 weeks I noticed my sex drive went through the roof. Second I noticed my shoulders were pain free then the strength started to increase. Next I was gaining a pound every 2-3 days.
The most strength increase was in bent over row from 315 to 405 no problem, all benches went up, flat went up to 405 from 365. shrugs from 335 to 405. The few moves my strength didn't increase in was barbell curl & squads go figure. So here is the break down of the Side effects:
My mood was great and I've never been nicer to my wife, I felt great all the time. Sweating was more than usual. I did not need to sleep more than 5-6 hours. I could work out for 5 hours straight. Old Injuries, shoulders absolutely pain free, elbows & forearms the pain did not go away. I was pissin more than usual for some reason. Acne on my forearms only but went away 2-3 weeks after cycle was over. My skin was oilier. Around the 8th week I could tell I was dropping fat my forearms and my thighs were getting veinier. Felt the gyno symptoms in the 4th week used nolva and was gone. So after 12 weeks the scale stopped at 244. post cycle therapy (pct) was 3 weeks of clomid.
4 months later I was down to 238 and had kept some of the strength gains, shoulder pain came back 3 weeks after cycle was over & sex drive went down. No depression or feeling like emotional like a chick.

One thing for sure it is harder to be on the shit than not, it takes tremendous dedication, discipline and it's not a miracle potion. I gained even more respect for all pro Bbuilders, its the hardest sport hands down 24/7/365.
It was the best thing I ever done for myself would I do it again hell yeah