Hey Team,
First post but longtime reader. Great site and info!
Just wanted to validate and get some feed back on my next cycle.
4th cycle
31 yrs old
~12% BF currently
Last cycle Test Prop and Tren Ace, went from 160 to 180lbs (10%BF) but last 2 weeks retained a lot of water/bloat and got worst sides yet, back acne etc as soon as i came off during pct, but kept my gains more so than ever. Currently at 175-178lbs and 11-12% BF off.
Cycle before that I ran a Tri-Tren Blend (short and fast E's) with a small amount of Test prop just to keep libido Went from 155 to 165lbs but was a great 8%BF. No sides
Goal is to get that 8% look i had a 165lbs w/ the Tren Blend on my current 175lb frame and reduce the sides I experienced last cycle. 180 @ 7-8% would be ideal.
Next Cycle
Test Prop - 70mg EOD
Tren Ace - 100mg EOD
Anavar 40mg / day last 6 wks
10-12 weeks total.
I'm very discipline with my diet when on and still maintain good habits off cycle.
I believe the extra test caused my sides and late bloat so this time I'm repeating last cycle, but lowering test, keeping Tren where i had it before and adding some Var at the end. Essentially making it a Tren / Var cycle with the Test present to keep things in order.
What do you think?
Lower test even more to 200mg / week (60mg EOD) ?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
First post but longtime reader. Great site and info!
Just wanted to validate and get some feed back on my next cycle.
4th cycle
31 yrs old
~12% BF currently
Last cycle Test Prop and Tren Ace, went from 160 to 180lbs (10%BF) but last 2 weeks retained a lot of water/bloat and got worst sides yet, back acne etc as soon as i came off during pct, but kept my gains more so than ever. Currently at 175-178lbs and 11-12% BF off.
Cycle before that I ran a Tri-Tren Blend (short and fast E's) with a small amount of Test prop just to keep libido Went from 155 to 165lbs but was a great 8%BF. No sides
Goal is to get that 8% look i had a 165lbs w/ the Tren Blend on my current 175lb frame and reduce the sides I experienced last cycle. 180 @ 7-8% would be ideal.
Next Cycle
Test Prop - 70mg EOD
Tren Ace - 100mg EOD
Anavar 40mg / day last 6 wks
10-12 weeks total.
I'm very discipline with my diet when on and still maintain good habits off cycle.
I believe the extra test caused my sides and late bloat so this time I'm repeating last cycle, but lowering test, keeping Tren where i had it before and adding some Var at the end. Essentially making it a Tren / Var cycle with the Test present to keep things in order.
What do you think?
Lower test even more to 200mg / week (60mg EOD) ?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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