You don't "have to" do something like test only's just kind of a nice idea. Test/d-bol is unreal so go ahead and give it a try. Just be sure to have the nolva withins arms reach.
Big Bump for RG! I have learned so much from all of his threads, they should all be stickies. Or maybe he could have his own section of the forum for all his threads
Its a great honor to have someone with his knowledge to take the time to inform us of what could be a better way to go about our routines based on his years of research and personal experiences.
I am looking forward to trying a lot of his suggestions.
RG, that tren / test prop cycle that you told me in PM is something that would be very beneficial for me right now since I am packing around 15-17% body fat. My plan was to do my bulking cycle as soon as I get to around 10%. I wouldn't mind a jump start
I'm currently in my 5th week of a Winstrol cycle and taking 100mg(2cc) EOD and am getting good results. I have a buttload of V and am getting some Europharma EQ 200mg (20CC jug) in a week or so,ever heard of it? I am trying to put on a little bit of quality muscle and really get ripped. I don't have much luck with other gear and have had good luck with the Winnie/EQ stack in the past. I was wanting to get your advice on how to manage my gear so that I will be peaking about Memorial day or so and how to keep my liver intact with all the V. I was considering a 4 week break at about week 6 or 7 from the V. Then restarting the V and adding EQ running 100mg V EOD and 400mg EQ twice weekly doing the V for 8wks and the EQ for 10wks. How long do I have to break inbetween V cycles and how long will I will I be able to maintain the look? I know the EQ will linger abit but I'm not sure exactly how long. My 2nd cycle of V(after a 4wk break) is projected to end mid June and the EQ in the 1st week of July. Will I look good through August? Does this sound doabble? Will I notice any loss on the 4wk break? Open to any suggestions. Considering my proposed cycle what should my post cycle therapy (pct) look like? Thanks!
your ultimate intermediate cycle is right on target, i am on that now and seeing unreal gains......thank you so much for the time and effort that you put into that post and all of yours
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