Cycling and the FEAR of trt


Well-known member you're now willing to stick a needle into your body and inject a foreign substance for the betterment of your physique. You've made up your mind you will do one cycle and be happy. News flash.......if you have a successful cycle you will do them for the rest of the time that you care about your physique. Sorry.....just fact.

So you wanna cycle. Which means you will be on for 3 months and off for 4 or 5. Then you will rinse and repeat. Are you afraid of trt?!?!? Cuz that's where you are headed unless you can be happy with a test level of 200 to 400. You will eventually make it very difficult for your body to recover........and then.....yup, impossible.

My advice.....DO NOT CYCLE AT ALL UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED FOR THE CONSEQUENCES. Consequences = potential for trt for life, tits that you don't want, and irritability that is at times difficult to control.

Dudes I know that have tried steroids = somewhere around 100
Dudes I know that did one cycle only= 3 or 4 that I can think of
Dudes I know that cycled and are now on trt for life= between 40 and 50
The rest of them keep cycling or they are living with low test.

In advice is that if you are not willing to trt for life then you should never stick a needle in your ass.

My sister is a pro bodybuilder and I have met a lot of people through her over the years. I cycle and am on trt when not on cycle, call it blast and cruise.

Please post your opinions here. I want to hear them.
Side effects are many. We owe it to each other to speak the truth and to warn one another about what we are doing.

Best wishes and God bless
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I agree with most points except:
"tits you dont want and irritability", i'd argue both of them are irregular e2 values, which can be controlled to a large extent.
I also think you are being bit over dramatic with the statement "my advice is that if you are not willing to try for life then you should never stick a needle in your ass.". Its not bad just comes off as dramatic and fear mongering rather than making a valid point, which you did. Just how you delivered it, thats all :P

On a personal level...this cycle has made me realize its a marathon and not a sprint...
Going forward I will stick to test e, low cruise dose, going for blood levels and not mg/week, that in combination with moderate doses of gh (~3iu) and one optional 8 week summer blast will most likely be the road going forward.
And the truest statement in this post is your first sentence... I was so sure I'll do one cycle, thats thats often a "failure/learning" for most people, just like it was for me.
Then i thought, I'll do one more proper cycle and its enough... But im starting to get bigorexia where I can't see myself grow whereas everyone else is shocked at how im growing...and Im starting to loose true sight of what and how I want to look.

Besides, I'm not so sure TRT is THAT horrible when done with a legal prescription, in a controlled environment. Only forced to have needles around together with endless pinning is my only concerns.

Sides, recovery, gains, etc etc are also highly individual. Some never get them, some cant handle them.
I think just like this post, trying to educate people properly instead of trying to fear people out of doing steroids is the easier solution...
People aint stupid...the rest of us are doing it and are doing it for a reason thats pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.
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I agree with most points except:
"tits you dont want and irritability", i'd argue both of them are irregular e2 values, which can be controlled to a large extent.
I also think you are being bit over dramatic with the statement "my advice is that if you are not willing to try for life then you should never stick a needle in your ass.". Its not bad just comes off as dramatic and fear mongering rather than making a valid point, which you did. Just how you delivered it, thats all :P

On a personal level...this cycle has made me realize its a marathon and not a sprint...
Going forward I will stick to test e, low cruise dose, going for blood levels and not mg/week, that in combination with moderate doses of gh (~3iu) and one optional 8 week summer blast will most likely be the road going forward.
And the truest statement in this post is your first sentence... I was so sure I'll do one cycle, thats thats often a "failure/learning" for most people, just like it was for me.
Then i thought, I'll do one more proper cycle and its enough... But im starting to get bigorexia where I can't see myself grow whereas everyone else is shocked at how im growing...and Im starting to loose true sight of what and how I want to look.

Besides, I'm not so sure TRT is THAT horrible when done with a legal prescription, in a controlled environment. Only forced to have needles around together with endless pinning is my only concerns.

Sides, recovery, gains, etc etc are also highly individual. Some never get them, some cant handle them.
I think just like this post, trying to educate people properly instead of trying to fear people out of doing steroids is the easier solution...
People aint stupid...the rest of us are doing it and are doing it for a reason thats pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Great points. And forgive my estrogen is running a little high lately since I upped my mg per week and am adjusting my AI :)
Honestly, I'm not 100% sure why so many of the Younger Guys are finding themselves on TRT.
After only a couple of Cycles.
I think that it's a Combination of things.
I actually wrote an Article on Estrogen Dominance & Avoiding it back in 2014.
Will Post at the end.

I've Personally been Cycling since 1978, and at 65, I'm still not on TRT, as my Natty Test is in the Low 700's.
About 8 years ago, my Natty Test was @ 924 Ng/dl.
So you really need to be Conscious of what you are putting in your Bodies ~ Food/Supplements.
And when you are doing a Cycle, make sure you are Running Bloodwork ~ Pre/Mid/Post-Cycle.
As this will help you to Avoid Major Problems, before they Affect your Lifelong Health................................ JP
Article I wrote in 2014 for another Forum.

Estrogen Dominance & Avoiding it
I see so many Guys and Gals on the Forum speak about Estrogen Related Issues.
That are not due to AAS.
So I just wanted to Point out some of the Culprits, so you can try to Avoid them.

Xenoestrogens - from Pesticides, Chemicals, and Plastics - Here is a Small list

Skincare Products
Parabens - Methyl/Ethyl/Propyl/Butylparabens - commonly used as Preservatives.
Benzophenone - sunscreen lotions
4-Methylbenzylidene - 4-MBC - Sunscreen Lotions

Industrial Products and Plastics
Bisphenol-A - BPA - Bottles and can liners
Phthalates - plasticizer
DEHP - plasticizer for PVC
PCB's - Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls - found in Electrical Oils, Lubricants, Adhesives, and Paints

Erythrosine - FD&C Red No 3 food dye
Phenosulfothiazine - a Red Dye
BHA - butylated hydroxyanizole - a Food Preservative.

DDT - Drop Dead Twice - Banned, but made an Excellent Addition to a Road Runner Cartoon
Nonylphenol - used in Laboratory Detergents

Found in Soy, Flax, and Hops
From Heavy Metals
Some are found in Fresh Fish - not all
Tap Water is really becoming a Major Concern for these Metals.

Myco-Toxins from Various Funguses that Contaminate Food - Inorganic Estrogens
Chlorine and Chlorine By-products
Alkylphenol - used in Cleaning Detergents.

Last but not Least
Ethinylestradiol- Combined Oral Contraceptive

So as you can see, It's a Minefield out there, so Pay Attention to the Labels on Products....................... JP
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As someone who likes to party (off cycle).
Any recreational drugs that would increase/decrease estro ?
Mostly thinking about my sleeping aids, ambien, xanax, imovane but also weed, cuz i smoke a lot.

At least I dont have to be afraid of the water, ours are the best in the world and has been for decades ;)