danabol + anavar + winstrol cycle = what to expect?


New member
I know its highly toxic cycle.. and oral steroids based cycle only... and I know what are you replies gonna be like: get some injections.. do u have a needle phobia.. its a poor choice... and so on.
so I just want to hear WHAT TO EXPECT from SUCH a cycle? What would be the results at the end of the cycle..?
I wonder about
1. lean muscle gain
2. strength gain
and a very important question: would the results remain after the cycle is over? what would be your predictions about keeping the gains?
I would be running it only once and only for 4-5 weeks or so.

Im not interested in injections..
I'm not even going to ask for your age and stats because it doesn't matter how old or big you are, this is a bad idea for anyone!! Will you get gains....sure, will you lose them when you go off....Yes you will!! Will it be worth all the potential side effects, being shut down and the hepatoxicity to your liver....Hell no!! The reason people say to inject is because it is so much safer for your health.

Do yourself a favor and read the stickies, all will be answered there in great detail.

I've done the orals only cycle with Dbol and all I ended up with was about 1lb of muscle when all was said and done and I prob would've gotten that anyways from just busting my ass in the gym....without risking my liver!
I know its highly toxic cycle.. and oral steroids based cycle only... and I know what are you replies gonna be like: get some injections.. do u have a needle phobia.. its a poor choice... and so on.
so I just want to hear WHAT TO EXPECT from SUCH a cycle? What would be the results at the end of the cycle..?
I wonder about
1. lean muscle gain
2. strength gain
and a very important question: would the results remain after the cycle is over? what would be your predictions about keeping the gains?
I would be running it only once and only for 4-5 weeks or so.

Im not interested in injections..

You can expect to feel like shit with no test in your system. This cycle is like mixing oil with water, just doesn't work! Var -winny- dbol which is it are we cutting or bulking? Soar joints liver damage an lots of water retention. Just not a wise decision at all :(
You can expect life to get really interesting. Moon face, crazy pumps so painful that you swear your skin is going to tear, and feeling like there's sand in your knees. Your thyroid will decrease output, putting on some fat, you may become slightly insulin resistant, and you'll start to feel really lethargic. But I guess the grey poop that comes from liver distress is kinda cool?

Oh, and your dick will probably stop working on top of the nice pair of C cups you'll sprout. Look at the bright side though! You'll be stronger for a few weeks while permanently stunting your growth and potentially wrecking your natural testosterone production for the rest of your life.

Sounds like a sweet deal to me!

Okay, maybe I'd just learn how to eat and train properly, but where's the fun in that?!

My .02c :p
This topic has come up more and more often. Ask yourself this, if it were really that easy then why doesn't everybody else do it? Get right man...
This could be a candidate for worst cycle ever. Even the trolls from last week came up with better shit than this. Don't do it dude!
OP, when yur cycle is in full swing, please post a picture of your gyno tit puffs. Lol, cuz that's what Halfwit calls em. I bet you're gonna have one beautiful set. But really bro, take a pic and post it up for the other morons that wanna run a cycle like the one you're thinking of
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you should expect a liver that wish u drank everclear daily instead of running a cycle like that..do some research and ull quickly find out why.. after the research ifu have questions people will definitely be more apt to help. good luck