Dbol 25mg twice a day + test


New member
Hi my first cycle
and looking forward for it
so it will be like
50 mg Dbol daily (NextGen Canadian Company)
i have 25mg so i take on at 12 and one at 7
should i cut the pills in half and split it to 4 ?

i did 250 mg test last week , this week im going to do 500mg test

Dbol for 4 weeks
Test fir 12 weeks

post cycle therapy (pct) after 1 week after the last injection
nova+clomid for post cycle therapy (pct)

i have adex on hand 1mg , still not sure weather i should use it or not .
I am open the reccomendations.
Thank you
If I were you, I would honestly cut the dbol all together. See how you react on test only. If your dead set on it, run a smaller dose 30-40 maybe. Divide dbol for consistent levels throughout the day.

Use the adex .5 every other day or even .25 depending on bloat and or gyno symptoms. Since your running two highly estrogenic compounds I would start using right away. Also post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last inject not 1.
just cut the dbol ? every hour ? so il start taking adex now how about 1mg every other day or cut the adex into half an use 0.5 every other day ?