dbol/deca/test e for a second cycle


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I'm thinking about doing a dbol deca test e bulk cycle for my second cycle. I was wondering what your experience was with this cycle.

Week 1-6 dbol 40 mg ed
Week 1-12 deca 500 mg
Week 1-14 test e 500 mg
Week 1-14 nolvadex 10 mg every 3 days

Clomid week 16-17 100mg week 18-20 50 mg

I'm 5'5" 23 at 170 14% bf

Also my first cycle was sust 500mg a week for 10 weeks

What kinds of gains could I see eating around 5000 cals a day
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Nolvadex is a serm not an ai. You should run an ai on cycle like Arimidex or Aromasin. Nolvadex is good with clomid for pct or if u get a gyno flare up. No
Okay so in stead of nolvadex do HCG should I only us the HCG if I need it

You never run Nolva with any 19/nor it can cause progestin/prolactin issues. You can use it in congjuction with Clomid for pct though since the DECA will have cleared.

HCG is used on cycle at 500iu a week to prevent testicular atrophy and keep the testes working. Run it up until about three days before pct.

You need an AI for this cycle for sure. Adex is what I use but there are other choices.

It would be nice to have a dopamine agonist like Caber on hand in case of prolactin issues like deca dick flare up.

You probably aren't 5'5 170 lbs 4% body fat unless you are Franco Colombu and found a time machine to the future. What did you use to measure body fat?
That's a myth about nolva and 19 nors...

There is a lot of argument back and forth about it. So why chance it? Nolva during cycle is an outdated gyno prevention anyways and you should use an AI like Dex or Aromasin anyways.
There is a lot of argument back and forth about it. So why chance it? Nolva during cycle is an outdated gyno prevention anyways and you should use an AI like Dex or Aromasin anyways.

Yeah I'm doing .5 of dex twice per week and adding more if needed also doing 500ius of hcg a week. Okay so this cycle look good now
This would be the whole thing

Dbol week 1-5 40 ed
Deca week 1-10 250 (Monday Thursday)
Test e week 1-12 250 (Monday Thursay)*
Hcg week 1-10 250 (Monday Thursday)
dex week 1-12 .5 (Monday Thursday)

Pct Clomid 50mg ed 14-18
10 weeks of deca is too short of a run my man. Run deca for a minimum of 14 weeks and test 2 weeks longer. As for the nolva thing its not outdated. Read the stickies. Nolva and Raloxophene are the preferred methods to combat gyno on or off cycle. An ai on cycle is a no brainer. So is bloodwork...
Yeah I'm doing .5 of dex twice per week and adding more if needed also doing 500ius of hcg a week. Okay so this cycle look good now

Run the adex EoD not twice a week. You could get away with the 2/week, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Mid cycle bloods will let you know what works.
Cant I just use a SERM like Clomid for gyno and PCT?

NO! Well I mean you could, but it is not optimal and I strongly recommend against it.

This is why:
SERMS like Clomid, Tamox and others, only BLOCKS estrogen at some receptors like the breast glands. But it WILL NOT lower estrogen in your body!

If you have Gyno setting in and started up Clomid or Nolva sure you would block the gyno but your estrogen levels would still be building up and in my opinion that is NOT a good thing.
If you were not very smart, didnt think ahead and didnt have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and only SERMs, then yes you could start a low dose while you wait for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to come, BUT USE THE Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno control long term!
I ALWAYS tell people to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno/estrogen control; its just the most effective and healthy way to go about it.
Save the SERM for PCT use and IF NEEDED the onset of gyno while waiting for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to take full effect (if that ended up being the case).
Other than that I feel a SERM should not be used for gyno control and only as part of a PCT.

Some of the older guys may have used a SERMs for gyno control, but we know better now and its time to move with the times.

From the stickies.

An AI is the superior gyno prevention and estrogen control. Why take a SERM on cycle when you have access to one is beyond me. Save SERMs for PCT.
I never said a serm is superior to an ai on cycle. You should be using an ai on cycle to begin with. U stated that you cant use nolva on cycle. Yes u can. Nolva and Raloxophene can be used on cycle in conjunction with an ai if a gyno issue would flare up. An ai isn't going to get rid of gyno. It will kill your e2 in large amounts.
It would be for pct. Apparently u misunderstood me...

Ah I must have... No worries. Some people say not to use Nolva with pct after a 19nor but I don't believe that. If you time your esters right like:12 weeks Deca, 14 weeks Test E then pct 14-21 days after last test injection the deca has ample time to mostly clear.