I'm thinking about doing a dbol deca test e bulk cycle for my second cycle. I was wondering what your experience was with this cycle.
Week 1-6 dbol 40 mg ed
Week 1-12 deca 500 mg
Week 1-14 test e 500 mg
Week 1-14 nolvadex 10 mg every 3 days
Clomid week 16-17 100mg week 18-20 50 mg
I'm 5'5" 23 at 170 14% bf
Also my first cycle was sust 500mg a week for 10 weeks
What kinds of gains could I see eating around 5000 cals a day
Week 1-6 dbol 40 mg ed
Week 1-12 deca 500 mg
Week 1-14 test e 500 mg
Week 1-14 nolvadex 10 mg every 3 days
Clomid week 16-17 100mg week 18-20 50 mg
I'm 5'5" 23 at 170 14% bf
Also my first cycle was sust 500mg a week for 10 weeks
What kinds of gains could I see eating around 5000 cals a day
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