Dbol m1t

my friend is a dumb ass, he did this and got JAUNDICE=yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments. DONT DO IT
Liver toxicity=WAY overrated.

On the other hand Dbol + M1T isnt a wise idea, some dude was bleeding out of his dick with that shit, be careful with that stuff.
Never tried Dbol, but M1T should give you any and all the anabolic push you will need.

Yesterday I weighed myself and I was exactly 220 with 13.9%. On new years day I was 170 with 12.1%. I have only used M1T, and at never more than 10mg.
I think it's very clear that's too much for the liver and the kidney So every body there is unanime to said NO DONT DO MT1 +DBOL ;)
one my friend did one month cycle 50 mg dbol/day and one anadrol a day !!! he is mad... it is worst cycle ever...