Dbol or anadrol??


New member
what would keep the best gains after ending cycle with test e

dbol or anadrol?

also would you get big real quick with test e at 500mg a week and 50 mg of dbol or drol?

you won't keep gains from either of them. The are primarily used for kickers to increase strength at the beginning of a cycle. Some guys use them at the end but I don't prescribe to that method.
rj iv seen a few of your comments tonight but cant remember where! lol
ah right.

G-pickle after u come off them and u train and diet is in cheak will you still lose alot or just slightly?

alot of the gain from dbol is water bro.. noway around it.. i still love em though.. for strength and pump and quick size.. cant touch it.. i use them as a kickstart while waiting for longer esters to show upp to the party..
alot of the gain from dbol is water bro.. noway around it.. i still love em though.. for strength and pump and quick size.. cant touch it.. i use them as a kickstart while waiting for longer esters to show upp to the party..

oasis, don't get me wrong, they have their place, just don't think that solid gains come from the use of dbol or drol. Strength is the primary and adding water is actually a good thing when trying to get big. Just have to keep BP in check.
aw right :( lol

like for example im a skinny shit and if i go on test e 500 mg EW and dbol for 4 weeks at 50 mg EW would i go back to being a skinny shit?? lol. or would i have a nice build to work on?

sorry bout the questions btw bud hope u dont mind!
ok doke bud.. just making sure when u say BP u mean blood pressure yeah?

also if u do mean blood Pressure how do i cheak that?
aw right :( lol

like for example im a skinny shit and if i go on test e 500 mg EW and dbol for 4 weeks at 50 mg EW would i go back to being a skinny shit?? lol. or would i have a nice build to work on?

sorry bout the questions btw bud hope u dont mind!

gains should come from proper nutrition and hardcore training. If you rely on drugs for gains, you will quickly lose them. That is why we stress learning how to grow naturally before you get into gear.

As for BP checking, not sure where you live, but any local pharmacy will have a place to check it.
ah right so basically once i come off gear still do hardcore training and eating etc to keep gains or build gains back up?
ah right so basically once i come off gear still do hardcore training and eating etc to keep gains or build gains back up?

damn right. keep cals high and intensity in the gym high. Drop the volume just a bit though. No sense overtraining while you're catabolic.

And stay away from the god damn scale. Throw it away and don't buy another one until 6 months post cycle. Weight don't mean shit!
ok doke buddy :) thanks

have u took roids before yeah?

if you have, i want to go on this corse of test e and dbol.. i dont want my balls to shrink so would i take HCG the same time as test e to stop that happing if that would work?

also what would u recomend for liver protection ( like the best haha ) and clomids to start everything back to normal?

thanks again man youve been great
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dude you need to do some research before you jump into this bro.. if you starting eating quality foods and enough of them youll grow fast.. plus your probably young and your natural test is prolly higher than mine and RJ's combined.. no need for juice yet.. Seriously.. training/food and creatine.. youll gain 10lbs in a month no problem..