dbol,test e,npp cycle - hcg question?


I am getting ready to start the following cycle and am wondering about the timing of hcg because there seems to be a lot of different opinions out there. Does anyone with experience or knowledge know the proper way to use hcg for this cycle?

Week 1-12: Test E 625mg/week (2 x 312mg, Mon + Fri in same syringe as NPP)
Week 1-12: NPP 375mg/week (3 x 125mg, Mon, Wed, Fri)
Week 1-6: Dbol 30mg/day
Week 5-14: HcG 500iu/week (2x250iu's, same days as test, but not in same syringe)
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD. Increase if experiencing gyno or bloating.
Week middle of 15-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week middle of 15-18: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week middle of 15-18: Creatine (10g/day)
Week middle of 15-18: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-14: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-14: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Saw Palmetto 500 mg/day
Week 1-14: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-14: NAC 600mg/day
i like how you managed your pinning of test and NPP together. idk if its right or wrong so ill let someone with experience comment on that.
Dbol is a bit low, id say up it to 40-50mg; other then that i think ur cycle is on point bro. good luck
Your NPP dosage is TOO LOW .. It would be fine at the dosage if it was being ran along side and front loading deca,, But nandrolone should be ran higher then that for real solid gains.. I'd bump it up to 500 mg per week,, Or I'd keep it at that level and add 400 mg a week of deca , then drop the NPP at week 8, up,the deca to 500,, Run it to week 12 and extend the test E to 14 weeks