Dbol Test E week 3 results


New member
Just finished week three of Dbol Test E cycle, started out with 20mg/ed dbol and 500mg/week test but have increased dbol to 45mg/ed and will continue for 2 more weeks. So far the gains have been pretty good. Weight is up about 15lbs, I tend to gain a few lbs as the day goes on but I weigh myself in the morning and at night to keep tabs and get a good average. The strength gains have been awesome, seems like I don't get tired even after that last set I could keep going. Diet has been ok, trying to eat clean and for the most part have been avoiding fast food and other junk. I don't count macros or anything I just try to eat a lot of food at regular intervals while keeping it as clean as I am willing to to. Still waiting for the test to really get going, I think I am starting to feel it as my sex drive has increased and my mood has been great throughout the cycle. Will post again after dbol is done and throughout as the test e phase progresses.
Post stats, height, weight, BF%. Cycle experience also.

For best gains you need to sit down one day and keep a log of food so you know exactly how much you need to be eating to gain. Macro's are very important.
Post stats, height, weight, BF%. Cycle experience also.

For best gains you need to sit down one day and keep a log of food so you know exactly how much you need to be eating to gain. Macro's are very important.

This has been my first cycle, I started with a friend about 3 weeks ago. Was nervous at first but so far have had no sides, maybe a slight tingling in the nip area but no soreness of puffiness. I know for a first cycle it should be test only but Decided to go for it anyway. I did about as much research as I could do even though I am far from an authority on the subject. I have nolva and clomid on hand and can get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I start showing any sides. Also taking milk thistle for liver protection and have had no booze at all while on cycle. I know I need to keep better track of my diet but its tough to do I don't always have time to write it all down although my schedule is pretty consistant throughout the day. I plan on getting some nutritional advice but honestly my goal for this cycle was to bulk and If I manage to stay at the same BF% or maybe even lose a few lbs off that I would be fine with that. So far so good for a first time I think.

Not trying to be a smartass but have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand before you start. You never know how long a source will take or friends etc.. to get you what you need. Also just watch your sodium levels.

Wish you the best, keep everyone updated.
Looking forward to what you experience. I have a friend that is 2 cycles ahead but has completely convinced me to try it... Not without my own research and consideration of course! I told him to let me get a cycle under my belt with his help and then we'd do the next one together. Pretty stoked and I'm looking at the same cycle as yours, prob starting next month.
Looking forward to see how you do!