If you scroll down I posted a thread on detection times & Juice Authority posted the below in a thread on clearance times.
Anadrol50/Anapolan50.......8-12 hours
deca Durobolan................3 weeks
Dianabol.........................4-8 hours
Equipoise........................17-21 days
Finajet/Trenbolone............3 days
Primobolan Depot..............10-14 days
Sustanon.........................3 weeks
Test Cypionate.................2 weeks
Test Enthenate/Testoviron..2 weeks
Test Propionate.................3 days
Test Suspension................4-8 hours
Winstrol...........................8-12 hours
Its half life is short (about 4 hours) but its metabolites can be detected for a long time.
If you're a drug tested athlete, don't rely on those old & outdated lists that you can find on sites like anabolicreview.com...
Switch to test prop or suspension.
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