
fetus said:
Hate to break it to you but they didnt take 15mgs a day in the 80s. I doubt 15mgs would do very much at all. 10mgs a day is the normal dose that your body produces a day. And as for the anadrol idea you pointed out, androl is mainly a last resort drug. People wasting away on aids have bigger problems than liver failure over a long period of time.

This is simply not true, for a first-time user 20mg a day is unuff to get and keep decent gains. If ya get the real thing. On the scientific part:

10 mg of dbol Highers your test levels to 500%, so that is 5 times your notmal amounts. The problem is the short half-life, wich is around 3.5 hours, so ya need to frequently pop the pills. But a gain of 20-30 pounds on a 6 week cycle on russian dbol is possible, expect to keep about 85-90%, if the after cycle, clomid/nolvadex is good. And ofc keep ya rest and diet in order, and lots of people will tend to fuck up at the end, and lose it.

fetus said:
Hate to break it to you but they didnt take 15mgs a day in the 80s. I doubt 15mgs would do very much at all. 10mgs a day is the normal dose that your body produces a day. And as for the anadrol idea you pointed out, androl is mainly a last resort drug. People wasting away on aids have bigger problems than liver failure over a long period of time.

My friend was a powerlifter in the seventies and eighties. His favorite stack was 15mg dbol + 15mg anavar.
as a first time user you dont need big amounts of juice...
I have heard ot ppl receiving 25lbs on 250mg testo for an example...
20mg is good enough....I did 30mg without that much liverprotection and that wasnt healty for me..
I wont do it again