Deca Cycle Advice


New member
Hey guys!

Starting the usual Deca/Test E cycle soon. Just some advice please. My friend cant get me any dbol which is what i was going to use to kick start my course at appox 50mg/day. he offered me some anavar at 50mg/day as a substitute. I'm a bit hesitant since i heard anavar is pretty rough on the liver etc. What do you guys think? Is there any other substitute? or just go without?

Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't use var to kick start anything. It's more of a end of cycle thing or a cutting cycle drug. It's just as hard on the liver as other oral compounds (see the drug profiles section). You need to be on var for at least 6-8 weeks to start seeing anything from it anyway, or so i've read.
Thanks a ton. I actually typed this before i even looked. I was thinking Anadrol for some reason. Then i did some research and found out it would be pointless. So just deca/test E for 12 weeks sounds good? stopping deca at about week 10?