Hey guys!
Starting the usual Deca/Test E cycle soon. Just some advice please. My friend cant get me any dbol which is what i was going to use to kick start my course at appox 50mg/day. he offered me some anavar at 50mg/day as a substitute. I'm a bit hesitant since i heard anavar is pretty rough on the liver etc. What do you guys think? Is there any other substitute? or just go without?
Thanks in advance.
Starting the usual Deca/Test E cycle soon. Just some advice please. My friend cant get me any dbol which is what i was going to use to kick start my course at appox 50mg/day. he offered me some anavar at 50mg/day as a substitute. I'm a bit hesitant since i heard anavar is pretty rough on the liver etc. What do you guys think? Is there any other substitute? or just go without?
Thanks in advance.