Decatech Pharmaceuticals


White Mofo Bastard
A friend of mine is taking a supplement called Decatech.

Each capsule contains:
5-a-Androstenediol 100mg
4-Androstenediol 100mg
19-Nor-4-Androstenediol 100mg
19-Nor-4-Androstenedione 100mg

I just wanted to know if this stuff is any good. Or maybe a breakdown of the ingredients. Thanks in advance to all that respond.
5-a-Androstenediol converts to DHT.
4-Androstenediol converts to testosterone
19-Nor-4-Androstenediol converts to nandrolone
19-Nor-4-Androstenedione converts to nortestosterone and estrogen.

These are all fairly low doses of each and I think the etiology behind this product is to get a synergistic effect from the combination of the 4 substances, but its a fairly ineffective combination, not to mention 19Nor-dione is to be avoided because of its estrogen conversion potentials.

All and all, there's much better out there for probably what this product costs, I wouldnt recommend it to anyone.