
New member
has anyone ran dermatrest in the past? i picked me up a bottle of this trandsermal but have never ran it. I plant to run this in the up coming months and would like some advice from those who have ran it or something similar to it.

I have torem as my serm, arimicare pro as my cycle assist and ai , fish oil,vitamins, taurine, I was wondering if the arimicare pro would do it as an ai since i heard that the trest can aromatize pretty easily? Would i need to get a pharmaceutical ai ?

any suggestions would be appreciated.

also look threw my stock pile and i have a bottle of epistane, mechabol, stano. and dermacrine. might just run dermatr3st solo sine i have not ran it, or maybe stack it with epi since epi doesnt aromatize
I'm very interested in it too. I hear good stuff. There was a guy on YouTube showing on video that he lactating at 100mg ed, had to double his AI so make sure what you are taking will do the job. Love to see a log since I plan running this in a couple weeks. Btw, did they put this on the ban list? I'm having a hell of a time finding supplies, sites saying discontinued, one said it was part of the 2014 pro hormone ban. Left me confused because I thought recently it was one of the few not on that list.