Dexter season 5

that's my favorite show, too bad they had to delay production because Micheal C Hall got cancer. That's kind of inconvenient for us fans. I must have anti-social tendencies because his inner dialog on that show is very similar to mine, except for the killing part, I hardly ever do that.
im so hyped for the new season, im glad that cunt rita is dead. she pissed me off, i wanted to reach in the tv and choke her every time she talked.
Everyone fan I know is male for some reason. Must be the whole serial killer thing not so appealing to ladies. In the show you get to see him respond to people as a normal person, and then you hear his inner dialogue(psychopath). So, I find it interesting that I have the same inner dialogue as a (fictional)serial killer. Except I don't kill people, just for the record :axe: