Diabetic weight gain


New member
I hope that someone can help me. I am an insulin diabetic that has trying to build muscle for about 8 years off and on. I find that i can get up to about 210 lbs before i start having problems keeping it. I start to get fat around the gut. I am 6'4 tall and weigh 192lbs now, I am also a paid fireman so i am in alot of heat in fires and being outside most of the day. Does anybody have a meal plan that i can balance with the job and the insulin and keep making gains. thanks in advance
What is your current diet like? What type of carbs do you consume and when? Also, do you perform any cardiovascular exercise? This is important during your bulk phase as a diabetic because there is a direct correlation between visceral fat, poor aerobic capacity, and diabetics.
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My diet is pretty much anything that goes as long as it is pretty much lean...I eat around 3000 cal a day most of the time, and yes i do cardio 3 x a week for the job. I was taking andro b4 it was removed to help and it was but now I am at a loss. I try to balance out with carrbs for energy and protein, I have to watch though cause i did the adkins when i first found out and it screwed me up big time. I watch what i eat for the most part yet i have trouble keeping gains