Dianabol cycle 25mg everyday

I know that I'll be shutdown but I'll be taking the Dbol everyday until I'm off cycle. I have to be on point with PCT to make gains and I'm planning on buying a test booster but I have no clue if any work.
No they do not work. Save your money and put it towards real injectable testosterone or for your pct that should start now. Do some research and reading and get a better understanding of how your body works before just jumping headlong into something as serious as this
I know that I'll be shutdown but I'll be taking the Dbol everyday until I'm off cycle. I have to be on point with PCT to make gains and I'm planning on buying a test booster but I have no clue if any work.

So you intentionally and knowingly want to put yourself into a hypogonadal state (meaning no testosterone in your body)? Please do yourself a favor and research all the things that testosterone is used for by your body. And then think really hard if you want to go without testosterone. You will have zero testosterone in you while running dbol.
I went and read your thread on that other forum. They were a lot harsher than us. They flat out called you an idiot. They pretty much all said your should not run dbol without testosterone and you are too young; but you seem to have made up your mind already so "best of luck". You are completely misunderstanding -- they are not recommending that you run a dbol-only cycle. You are getting the same advice you have gotten here. But try a third forum and maybe that one will give you the answer your desire to hear.

You need to wise up.
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