Dianbol 75mg a day? Newbie


New member
Hey guys new to this I just started a cycle of dianbol today what should I expect? When should I take post cycle? Is Hcgenerate a good post cycle? Thanks.
It's not a joke first time doing this so what would be a good test to order then? And what's your word on Hcgenerate? For post cycle?
Read the link provided it is all in there explains and lays out a proper first cycle and proper PCT protocol. Never heard of the hcgenerate.

You really need to educate yourself before you start messing with your hormones.

If you only used it today I would stop and do some research before taking anything else.

Again what is your age and stats?
22, male and I'm at a plateau

Your not at a plateau... Adjust your macro's and increase the volume and intensity with your routine.. add 500 extra cals each week to your diet, keep it clean, but get your eats up..22 and plateauing is not genetic limits,you have a way to go buddy..

You can do this through diet, I promise you. you can achieve most of what your thinking without the route that you want to go!
You have not platued. You need to learn how to diet and train properly. You should be waiting till your 25 it's tge recomended age on this forum. At 22 your endocrine system isn't finished developing yet do you really want to risk your health?

Please read that link and all its associated links and make a more informed decision