Didn't do homework 1 cycle WTF do I do?


New member
Started a cycle 8 weeks ago jumping in head first. Four weeks on test 1wk. Fifth week started with EQ, twice a week. My source is a shitty friend that I play football with. He told me very little info on what was being injected into my glutes.The first three weeks he was doing the injections but then he saw the great progression I was making. After a two week drought I finally got the rest of the cycle I had paid for. 7ml of test and 10ml of EQ is what I had left. So I started the cycle back up after no injections for two weeks, doing test 1wk and EQ 2wk. 1ml every injection. Been doing a lot of researching ever since on my own. So I started asking my "friend" some questions like what test and mgs you know pretty much the basics. At first he said test c then a week later test p. Never could get the mgs per ml out of him. So now I screwed my schedule and have 3 1/2 ml of test and 7 1/4 of EQ left. WTF do I do now? First football game is tomorrow and I planned on doing 1/2 ml of test in the morning. I am assuming that I have Test P and finishing out with 2wk every 84th hour and I guess 3/4ml of EQ at the same time although I wanted it to last through the football season but at that low of a dose I don't think I would make any gains. All and any positive advice is much appreciative in this crap shoot drama fest first cycle.
I would say drop the cycle and start post cycle therapy (pct). You say you're not sure what esther test you have so how do you know how to go about using it?