Well.... I've been putting off posting my diet for awhile. I figured i'd try to read a bit and figure it out for myself but it's not really working out that way.
Stats: 6'0 27yrs 200lbs bf 15%
I am currently looking at putting together a cycle but the diet has to be in order i know that. Cycle is solid. I've done enough research and asking. It's legit.
As for diet. I went to come different calorie counters and they were all way different and i didn't feel like they were very accurate.
I know this isn't perfect but this my schedule this is usually what i get down. Help me fill in the gaps where i need to.
My goal is to bulk up and put on some good weight while on cycle.
8:00 3 eggs 1 whole wheat bagle
10:00 1 can of chicken (tried with tuna wasn't happening.) 25 almonds
12:00 8oz beef. 2 slices of whole wheat bread 1 cup of vegs
2:00 protein shake tbs of olive oil.
4:00 protein shake w/ 1/4 cup of oats
currently doing physical therapy for a shoulder injury 4:00-5:30
6:00 protein shake (one scoop) w/ ceatine
back to gym 6:30 - 8:00
8:00 protein shake 1/2 avocado
8oz of chicken w/ salad. 1/2 romaine 1/2 spinach
I know there are too many shakes still working on getting a routine to there i can be at work and still eat well.
Stats: 6'0 27yrs 200lbs bf 15%
I am currently looking at putting together a cycle but the diet has to be in order i know that. Cycle is solid. I've done enough research and asking. It's legit.
As for diet. I went to come different calorie counters and they were all way different and i didn't feel like they were very accurate.
I know this isn't perfect but this my schedule this is usually what i get down. Help me fill in the gaps where i need to.
My goal is to bulk up and put on some good weight while on cycle.
8:00 3 eggs 1 whole wheat bagle
10:00 1 can of chicken (tried with tuna wasn't happening.) 25 almonds
12:00 8oz beef. 2 slices of whole wheat bread 1 cup of vegs
2:00 protein shake tbs of olive oil.
4:00 protein shake w/ 1/4 cup of oats
currently doing physical therapy for a shoulder injury 4:00-5:30
6:00 protein shake (one scoop) w/ ceatine
back to gym 6:30 - 8:00
8:00 protein shake 1/2 avocado
8oz of chicken w/ salad. 1/2 romaine 1/2 spinach
I know there are too many shakes still working on getting a routine to there i can be at work and still eat well.