So its soon time for next cycle.
I've pretty much followed the routine i've done the past years... Get best look I can by the end of summer and soon as winter creeps up and you cant show it up, i start binging and add on easily 5% bodyfat and then down we go again.
I've decided to run the following protocol and would like some input on it
16 week cycle.
Test E, 400mg/wk
Masteron E, 500mg/wk
EQ, 600mg/wk
Alongside this i will run, monday, wednesday, friday:
0.5g mg adex or 10mg aromasin if i can get my hands on legit aromasin, been bunk last 2 sources....
500 iu HCG
B12 vitamin 1000 or 2000mcg, cant remember what size the ampules are.
Will stop EQ and Test E at week 16 and will continue to run test prop for another month at cruise doses waiting for bleed down before jumping on standard clomid/nolvadex pct.
I've tried to contact 3J for dieting help but he has not responded in 2 weeks over several emails.
Anyone got another dietiest they could recommend?
I have not sorted my macros out but will be focusing on more plant based diet, aiming to have about half my meals and protein intake coming from plant based.
Will be a lean bulking cycle, aiming to add mass this time.
Any input or critique?
So its soon time for next cycle.
I've pretty much followed the routine i've done the past years... Get best look I can by the end of summer and soon as winter creeps up and you cant show it up, i start binging and add on easily 5% bodyfat and then down we go again.
I've decided to run the following protocol and would like some input on it

16 week cycle.
Test E, 400mg/wk
Masteron E, 500mg/wk
EQ, 600mg/wk
Alongside this i will run, monday, wednesday, friday:
0.5g mg adex or 10mg aromasin if i can get my hands on legit aromasin, been bunk last 2 sources....
500 iu HCG
B12 vitamin 1000 or 2000mcg, cant remember what size the ampules are.
Will stop EQ and Test E at week 16 and will continue to run test prop for another month at cruise doses waiting for bleed down before jumping on standard clomid/nolvadex pct.
I've tried to contact 3J for dieting help but he has not responded in 2 weeks over several emails.
Anyone got another dietiest they could recommend?
I have not sorted my macros out but will be focusing on more plant based diet, aiming to have about half my meals and protein intake coming from plant based.
Will be a lean bulking cycle, aiming to add mass this time.
Any input or critique?