Upcoming cycle. Test/EQ/Masteron


New member

So its soon time for next cycle.
I've pretty much followed the routine i've done the past years... Get best look I can by the end of summer and soon as winter creeps up and you cant show it up, i start binging and add on easily 5% bodyfat and then down we go again.

I've decided to run the following protocol and would like some input on it :)

16 week cycle.

Test E, 400mg/wk
Masteron E, 500mg/wk
EQ, 600mg/wk

Alongside this i will run, monday, wednesday, friday:
0.5g mg adex or 10mg aromasin if i can get my hands on legit aromasin, been bunk last 2 sources....
500 iu HCG
B12 vitamin 1000 or 2000mcg, cant remember what size the ampules are.

Will stop EQ and Test E at week 16 and will continue to run test prop for another month at cruise doses waiting for bleed down before jumping on standard clomid/nolvadex pct.

I've tried to contact 3J for dieting help but he has not responded in 2 weeks over several emails.
Anyone got another dietiest they could recommend?

I have not sorted my macros out but will be focusing on more plant based diet, aiming to have about half my meals and protein intake coming from plant based.
Will be a lean bulking cycle, aiming to add mass this time.

Any input or critique?
I'm not sure how you're running threads discussions on getting onto HRT/TRT and also this.

If you can do this you can TRT yourself. Blasting & Cruzin!
I'm not sure how you're running threads discussions on getting onto HRT/TRT and also this.

If you can do this you can TRT yourself. Blasting & Cruzin!

That's easy bro. I don't want to be doing illegal activities and essentially be a criminal for life having to source dodgy products when I could just get straight pharmacy within a more controlled environment with real doctors checkups.
And that's essentially what I'm looking for... Having a legit cruise from doctor and doing one summer blast per year, similar to this one :)
Good luck playing with the doctors man!!!

Its a little "all over the board" in America and our medical/insurance system and then independant HRT/TRT docs.

If someone is trying to go withing their insurance covered area it seems difficult. If someone can get it, its usually cheaper but can also be off some. Lots of different dosage and injection systems or things like the testosterone lotion.

Independant doctors are available but Insurance companies can and regularly do refuse to pay. It's just uncovered and someone will have to pay for it themselves. Also its decently expensive. I've found there are cheap doctors and suppliers but the quality is pretty questionable. Price is cheaper but quality and involvement are not guaranteed or the best.

Then there is the black market.

Americas situation had made me consider quiting TRT and trying to just get anti estrogens from my legal provider. Fight it and fight it and fight it until I get it.
I'm happy i dont have to deal with the nightmare that is US insurance business. I pay 25 bucks per month and about 15usd each time i leave the country and that covers me fully for any and all incident expect property insurance, such as cars etc, that is seperate.
TRT falls into "Quality of life", which is provided free by the government, as is most healthcare here :)
I will have to pay 350 usd per year to reach the prescription cap, after that anything and everything is free. But this is after government reduction on medication, so very very few people reach this cap. You need to have chronic illness with very expensive drugs.
I will also have to pay 175 usd each year to cover the doctors appointments but i doubt i'll have to visit him every month, so its probably half that.
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@Tankmanbob , could you please graph how a minor/medium preload would look like?
Doing 2 injections per week.

Nothing crazy, just to reduce time to reach peak levels by 25%-50%. Thanks bro.
that is one of the best GH money can buy. 3iu is a perfect dose for 6 months, but i suggest you start at 2 and then go up to 3 after a little while because the stuff is really strong.

i don't like the rest of your cycle though because i don't think it's very goal oriented. IMO masteron has no place in your cycle at the moment especially at 500mg a week. that's a bit of a waste and you wont be reaping all the benefits it has to offer. forget hardness right now, just focus on staying lean and save it for when you have lower bodyfat.

instead of the masteron i would do NPP for now. one of the best blast i've ever done was 350mg test prop, 525mg NPP, 3iu novo nordisk gh. i tried to gain as much size with that over the course of 8 weeks, then i dropped the NPP to 350 and added in masteron at 400 just i started my cut, then i think 4 weeks later i cut out the NPP. so at that point i was doing 350 test prop and 400 masteron still with the 3iu of growth. man i was fuckin shredded lol. then at one point i dropped the test to 175, kept masteron at 400 and added a bit of tren.

i was trying to clean bulk just like you so maybe use my old cycle as a rough outline.
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that is one of the best GH money can buy. 3iu is a perfect dose for 6 months, but i suggest you start at 2 and then go up to 3 after a little while because the stuff is really strong.

i don't like the rest of your cycle though because i don't think it's very goal oriented. IMO masteron has no place in your cycle at the moment especially at 500mg a week. that's a bit of a waste and you wont be reaping all the benefits it has to offer. forget hardness right now, just focus on staying lean and save it for when you have lower bodyfat.

instead of the masteron i would do NPP for now. one of the best blast i've ever done was 350mg test prop, 525mg NPP, 3iu novo nordisk gh. i tried to gain as much size with that over the course of 8 weeks, then i dropped the NPP to 350 and added in masteron at 400 just i started my cut, then i think 4 weeks later i cut out the NPP. so at that point i was doing 350 test prop and 400 masteron still with the 3iu of growth. man i was fuckin shredded lol. then at one point i dropped the test to 175, kept masteron at 400 and added a bit of tren.

i was trying to clean bulk just like you so maybe use my old cycle as a rough outline.[/QUOTE]

Ahh nice, will definitely get it then, this new source has only had legit products so far and tested some of them with test kits :)
Yeh, the masteron is bit overkill due to my body fat BUT... I wouldn't go as far as to say its useless and I love how I feel on masteron in combination with test :)
I've actually ran masteron for all my cycles!
After my last tren run and mild deca dick, i've decided to stay clear of all 19-nors.

For this cycle, i'm definitely looking to add mass as first priority. Same time, summer is coming up and I know myself and how i function, I always start shredding once I can walk in tshirts lol.
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I was smart and bought extra HCG this time :P
30 000 IU should last me for 20 weeks :P
I was feeling so much better on 500iu thrice per week instead of the usual 250 twice per wk.

It also covers the shelf life exactly as one vial will last you 3.3 weeks.
Drawback is that its very hard to dial in AI.
buy some caber for like 50 bucks. no more deca or tren dick

Or just control estrogen and your body cant produce prolactin...
Anyhow, i still have caber leftover so it wasn't because of that ;)

I also feel its night and day difference in terms of recovery and how fast i recover when I dont use tren.
I'm getting a great deal on orals.
I've labkit tested their anavar and winstrol and both were legit and they got everything from dbol to halosten.

Thinking of grabbing some var to add during the cycle and some proviron for pct.
I'm getting a great deal on orals.
I've labkit tested their anavar and winstrol and both were legit and they got everything from dbol to halosten.

Thinking of grabbing some var to add during the cycle and some proviron for pct.

did you get the var? what dosage?