diet/routine help


New member
Hey guys I'm new to posts so I know I'm up for some bashing but here it goes.
I'm 24 6'1" 175-180 pounds with about 18% bf I have always been on the lean side so
I have never felt the need to really watch my diet... Well after a year of going to the gym
And only putting on 10 pounds with decent gains I'm ready for some advice. My goal is
To be around 200 with a lower% of bf so what I'm looking for is a good diet plan and maybe
Some suggestions on a first cycle. Side note I had heart surgery as a baby buthave had no
More issues since so I'm a little nervous to do anything too crazy tell I feel it out.
A buddy of mine recommended avanar 50ml a day for 6 weeks he said it is very clean with minimal
Side effects anyways any help would be appreciated.