Diet to rate


New member
Lean bulking diet for 5.9-10f tall, 155

Thursday 1 hour gym plus 30-35 minutes of running
Friday running for 45 minutes
Saturday 1 hour gym , 30-35 minutes of running
Sunday 1 hour gym , 30-35 minutes of running
Monday 1 hour gym , 30-35 minutes of running
Tuesday 45 minutes of running
Wednesday off

any suggestions will be appreciated.
Btw please don't criticize me too much as this is my first ever diet plan made by myself.

1 meal
-1 cup of Quaker oats uncooked- 54gr carb, 5gr protein, 1gr sugar, 5 gr of fat, 300 calories
-one cup of no fat greek yogurt- 10gr carbs, 24 gr protein, 7gr of sugar, 140 cal
-one cup of egg whites- 24 gr protein, 120 cal.
-Total: 560 cal.,74 gr of crabs, 53 gr protein, 8gr of sugars, fat 5 gr

2 meal

-two slices of hole wheat bread-180cal. carb 36 gr, protein 8 gr, sugars 6 gram
-4.5(150gr) slices of turkey oven-roasted breast 135 cal., 22.5 gr protein, fat 2 gr
- peanut butter 9gr- 50 cal. 2 gr protein, 1.5 gr carb, 4 gr fat
- spinach
-lettuce mixed with olive oil 14gr fat, 120 cal.
-Total: 485 cal. 37.5 gr carbs, 32.5 gr protein,sugars6 gram, fat 28 gr
3 meal
the same as second but without olive oil and lettuce
-Total: 365 cal. 37.5 gr carbs, 32.5 gr protein,sugars 6 gr, fat 4 gr

-1 piece of Ahi Tuna 250 cal., 55gr protein, fat 1 gr
-turkey burger 200 cal. 35 gr protein, 2 gr carb., fat 6 gr
- 1/2 cup of brown rice uncooked 340 cal., 70 gr of carbs, 8 gr of protein, 1.5 gr fat
-mixed lettuce
-Total:790 cal. 100 gr protein, 72 gr carbs, 8.5 gr fat

meal 5
-meal replacement
300 cal. 35 gr carbs, protein 36 gr , 9 gr sugar.

1 hour of gym plus 30-35 minutes of running

-Lean mass gainer shake
650 cal., carbs 85gr, protein 60gr, sugar 5g, fat 8 gr

7 meal
-two slices of whole grain bread 200cal., 40gr carbs, protein 10 gr, sugars 6 gr, 4 gr fat
-4.5(150gr) slices of turkey oven-roasted breast 135 cal., 22.5 gr protein, fat 2 gr
- 1 cup of egg whites 120 cal., 24 gr protein
Total:455 cal., 40 carbs., 56 gr protein, 2 gr fat

all total: 3605cal., 335gr carbs, 369 gr protein,43 gr fat,40 gr sugars
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you done your plan very well and deeply.
i have a question.
why do you not give a time for exercise.
i diet you can also weight loss by doing some simple activities.
i appreciate you aim and your plan.
keep it up.....
training time is 1 hour in gym plus 30-35 minutes of running.
First, I was thinking about modifying meal number 4 and lower a little amount of calories as 800 perhaps is too much at once? Second, I know that I should raise fats to at least 60 grams and I'm working on that. can anyone please suggest for me any improvements that I can add into my diet plan?