

New member
This is one area I really need help in so I usually start off with breakfast with 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg and 2 piece of whole grain toast. Then when i go to school i usually eat chicken. Come home i have 2 cans of tuna but with in 90 minutes of each other. Then i have chicken strips as a last meal. I really need to eat more and i always get around a gallon of water a day in so can anyone help?
what are you goals? and current stats as well?
Im not seeing enough complex carbs, any sort of EFA's, no fiberous veggies.. what sort of chicken? are the chicken strips breaded?
I'm 5'9 or 5'10 205 and my goal is to get around 185 hopefully a ripped and if not i'll keep going down in weight till then. Yes the chicken is breaded yah so I'm just really starting I dont know how to set up meal and things. So your dealing with a newbie at diets.
switch the toast to old fashioned oatmeal, and throw in some more egg whites in that first meal. I dont feel as though your getting enough protein for your weight.
are you eating every 2.5-3hrs max?
ditch the breaded chicken!! stick to boneless skinless, and have it grilled or roasted.
do you have a post workout shake??
you need MORE veggies!! fiberous green sorts!
and defintly need some EFA's in there.. olive oil, fish oil caps, fatty fish, flaxseed oil, natural peanut butter, nuts/seeds in moderation, Udos oil, hempseed oil, etc.
Id also suggest adding in more complex carbs such as old fashioend oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes/yams, beans/legumes.
before bed you need a small meal of protein and healthy fats.

now lets see if we can work from there..
no, do you know how much your roughly getting in each day? ideally you want to shoot for 1.5g/lb bodyweight :)
Well I bought some flax seed oil today so I'll add that in the mix. What is it really used for besides metabolism and heart. Does it help boost meatbolism or what?
K my diet kinda goes like this now for breakfast I have

Plain grits with 4 egg beaters which is all egg whites

Nutrigain bar give me a break lol



Chicken with green beans

Then carbs for my last meal Noodles and chicken.

Also I added Flax seed oil in 2 caps a day just pill form right now.

Soon adding protein shake to make it around 200 plus grams of protein
Hey Showdowner drop the carbs (keep the fibrous carbs - green beans, brocolli, e.t.c) after 6pm and add the flaxseed with your protein just before bed which will slow down the digestion of the protein.