

New member
Hi guys,

I just started equipoise 400 mg/week, and i'd like to know what my calorie intake should be. I am 22, 5'11, 200, 14% fat. I gain weight very easilly, last year i was 245 with 32% fat so i did alot of cardio and i dont want to get fat again... I eat properly, i try to eat as less fat as i can with alot of meat and only carbs at lunch time or before trainning but i know i have to eat more on a cycle. So if you have any suggestion about the amount of calories and the ratio fat carbs protein, i'll appreciate.

This will vary greatly from person to person and only you or a nutrionist can tell you exactly what you will need to gain muscle and lose fat. Try to keep your protein gms to 1 to 1.5 per pound of body weight, keep the carbs normal, and the fat intake low. See what this does for you and then tweak it to better suit your needs.
1.35 grams protein per pound of desired bodyweight. (200x1.35)
1.6 grams carbs per pound of desired bodyweight. (200x1.6)
Fat intake at 40% of desired weight. (40%of 200= 80grams of fat.)

Add that all up and thats how many calories a hardgainer needs to gain weight.

Thats from the Sports Supplement Review 4Ed by Vince Andrich. Good book for a noob, it will give you a lot of info and is free except for s&h.

I took it that your desired weight is 200 lbs because eq is a hardening agent, not really good for gains if I'm not mistaken. If you want to gain then change it up a little, and if you want to lose then only cut down fat and maybe a little of your carbs.
You should have done a lot more research before you started cycling steroids. How do you plan on reaping the benefits of the cycle of you don't even have any knowledge of nutrition? Steroids +no knowledge=shit I hope you remember this before your next cycle. I would try to use this cycle to slim down rather than bulk up. If you attempt to bulk you will surely gain some bodyfat and I think 14% is about as high as you are going to want to go. I suggest very high protein, low carbs, and moderate fats. I suggest you start at 2500 calories a day and monitor how you do. 300g protein, 200g carbs, and 60g fats This is a very general recommendation because you didn't say how your body responds to carbs and what has worked in the past but try it out.
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Bulk on eq, I know this is the wrong forum to ask this, but I'm pretty sure eq is a hardening agent and thats about all it does right? Not really a mass building drug.
Well, all steroids will allow you to gain more muscle mass so I wouldn't call it a cutting agent. It does increase RBC production which will help with pumps and increase vascularity. Also, increased appetite is a pretty well known side effect of EQ.