Difference b/t GHRP-2;6??

Loaded Gun

Work In Progress
Is there a difference between GHRP2 compared to GHRP6? If so what is the difference? Whats the dosage? cycle length? peptide to run with it? etc... thanks. Maybe Juicy can answer...
They are practically identical. Basically the big difference is that GHRP6 will increase appetite much more than GHRP2. I started off using GHRP6 but had to switch to GHRP2 because the increase in hunger was so intense it almost hurt. So if your looking to eat more go with GRP6, if your wantin to cut I would suggest GRP2. Depends on your goals.
From what i have read there is a difference between the two and if you want to learn the difference research it cause ive read for.hours on the stuff and theres alot to be learned as for dosage it saturates at 100mcgs per injection and every mcg past that you only get half dose so the trick is to inject multiple times per day example 3 times per day 100 mcgs and the peptide that usually goes good with it is cjc1295 with or without dac your choice but i prefer without dac cause chances are unless you have an excellent source you wont get dac. Well i would def read up on your peptides before you try them because they are new and theres alot to be learned yet on them.
Well, I just said fuck it and ordered some GHRP2. I'm going to see how it works out for me. Thanks.
Well, I have tried IGFLR3 and the hg frag, didnt really notice major differences. The only thing that I noticed was that my immune system was stronger. Also, decrease in recovery time between workouts.

I guess I will dose 100mcg morning/night just 2x a day for the GHRP2; It should arrive any day now...
I use GHRP-6 and GHRH, and I love the combo. I know what you mean about the hunger, what I did was just make my dosage smaller and more frequent.To be honest though, I kinda like the hunger. From a common sense point of view, hunger = anabolic, so I welcome it.

Here's a shitload to read about using the two -

I use GHRP-6 and GHRH, and I love the combo. I know what you mean about the hunger, what I did was just make my dosage smaller and more frequent.To be honest though, I kinda like the hunger. From a common sense point of view, hunger = anabolic, so I welcome it.

Here's a shitload to read about using the two -


im new to peps and have been reading dats basic guide. so much great information there! highly recommended!:D
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GHRP-2 is stronger than GHRP-6 but GHRP-6 activates your Gherlin so you would end up eating more.

I would say GHRP-2, ipamorelin, and then GHRP-6 on the strength. I only run GHRP-2 cause I never have problem eating...and I mean NEVER lo.