i ran it a few years ago. it kicks in very fast which is always a plus. it hits hard for 2 weeks and then you really have to up the dose to keep it moving. it wasnt the easiest to keep gains i ever had but i admit i wasnt on trt and i ran pct when i actually should have been on trt. so youd expect me to loose slightly more then a person with a great natural test level. its worth running at least once for sure. at high doses you can get a headache. i took a baby asprin ed and it helped, now i take cialis eod so i never have bp issues. most say 4 weeks, personally id say go five dont be scared to up the dose. AND RUN LIVER SUPPORT. i never shed ever so i cant really help on that issue. if youve ever ran phera drol, ment, stano 200, masteron, dbol and never lost hair youre most likely not going to shed.