Dmz gains kept and hairloss?


New member
Hey guys I would like to know who here has ran dmz and how bad of shedding or hairloss you had as well as gains kept after cycle, how you felt on and what sides you had.
i ran it a few years ago. it kicks in very fast which is always a plus. it hits hard for 2 weeks and then you really have to up the dose to keep it moving. it wasnt the easiest to keep gains i ever had but i admit i wasnt on trt and i ran pct when i actually should have been on trt. so youd expect me to loose slightly more then a person with a great natural test level. its worth running at least once for sure. at high doses you can get a headache. i took a baby asprin ed and it helped, now i take cialis eod so i never have bp issues. most say 4 weeks, personally id say go five dont be scared to up the dose. AND RUN LIVER SUPPORT. i never shed ever so i cant really help on that issue. if youve ever ran phera drol, ment, stano 200, masteron, dbol and never lost hair youre most likely not going to shed.
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i ran it a few years ago. it kicks in very fast which is always a plus. it hits hard for 2 weeks and then you really have to up the dose to keep it moving. it wasnt the easiest to keep gains i ever had but i admit i wasnt on trt and i ran pct when i actually should have been on trt. so youd expect me to loose slightly more then a person with a great natural test level. its worth running at least once for sure. at high doses you can get a headache. i took a baby asprin ed and it helped, now i take cialis eod so i never have bp issues. most say 4 weeks, personally id say go five dont be scared to up the dose. AND RUN LIVER SUPPORT. i never shed ever so i cant really help on that issue. if youve ever ran phera drol, ment, stano 200, masteron, dbol and never lost hair youre most likely not going to shed.

Yeah I will be having test as a base I have a ton of test laying around. What ph did you find easiest to keep gains after pct?
Yeah I will be having test as a base I have a ton of test laying around. What ph did you find easiest to keep gains after pct?

triumphalis, super drol, pmag, hdrol, dienolone......sadly i think pmag, hdrol are the only 2 readily available. the others are around but you have to search. super drol is now a ugl product.
Isn't dmz 2 super drol molecules connected by a hydrogen bond? Pretty much the same? I do hear the s drol is a lot harsher.
when you add a molecule it changes how it reacts. its slightly more anabolic and alot less adrogenic. hdrol is only one molecule away from dbol and margarine is only one molecule away from plastic. cant really compare like that. when you say harsher i assume you mean liver toxic, i think they are pretty close. if your speaking about hair loss i dunno i dont loose hair bro. if you have a source for the sdrol that the way to go my man. but if youre stuck on dmz then try it, im not trying to change your mind on it. im just giving my opinion my brother
and if hair loss is a huge issue why not run some sarms? Sarmsearch is one of our sponsors you can always just make a order with them. make some great gain and not worry with the hair loss.
and if hair loss is a huge issue why not run some sarms? Sarmsearch is one of our sponsors you can always just make a order with them. make some great gain and not worry with the hair loss.

Yeah I got some ostarine on deck Im about to run it soon here. Im just worried because people are posting stuff like HELP! no libido after I stopped dmz 7 months ago!
Do you think my hpta would be shot after a dmz run lol?

personally i think youd be fine with a good pct man. clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 if you want to be ocd then add some daa to your pct its cheap and works well to naturally raise test sns has decent priced product

lots of times these guys are having libido issues its because theyre scared of estrogen and they never quit running an ai and they have 0 estrogen. you cant have a sex drive without some estrogen.
Guys I use to run epistane with dmz 3.0 or dmz 2.0 which is dmz with other prohormones. I thought pct was the herbal bullshit that the prohormone company's made. And I bounced back every time did this prob 7 times in 3 years. I dnt feel like my test levels are low im horny like alot. Im 27. But don't fucking do what I did that was not the right way to go I knew nothing back then. But im saying you should be just fine with adding dmz with your test cycle.
No hair loss no sides other then loss of sex drive last two weeks on it. With running fake herbal pct I say 40% of my gains stayed with me.
Thanks for the reply bigkess... and 40% of your gains stayed after pct!!?? like months after? Also your libido came back after pct?
Also what kind of gains did your see and im talking about dmz (1.0) not the other ones with all those insane ph's in them.
Yea about 40% or more stayed with the herbal test booster pct not the real pct. Well like I said I have only had 2.0 and 3.0 so I never ran dmz alone but I would like to in the future forsure.
Yea about 40% or more stayed with the herbal test booster pct not the real pct. Well like I said I have only had 2.0 and 3.0 so I never ran dmz alone but I would like to in the future forsure.

Nice well you better stock up because they are about to ban all of them :( But tell me this how much lbm did you put on with the cycle?