Do people really get depressed post cycle

regardless of the OP's age, it's a good question for others. A lot of guys report "feeling" depressed when they come off cycle. This is due to many factors.

To begin, let's be clear that depression is not a "thing." It's a term used to describe a certain state, condition or pattern of behaviors. So no, a person does not become depressed per se but a lot of things change when a person comes off. Most guys are very dissatisfied with how much weight they keep when they come off. When we are on, we are obviously bigger and stronger. With that comes a sense of confidence (most of the time unjustified). We like the attention we get and the feeling of accomplishment in the gym. When we lose some of this when we get off, we tend to be unhappy due to a perceived loss of attention and satisfaction. To combat this, I always say to keep cycles the appropriate length (12 weeks or so) so there is not such a huge contrast when you come off. Also, obviously, running proper post cycle therapy (pct) and keeping cals up and lifting heavy help reduce the amount lost. Most importantly, don't get arrogant when on cycle. If you keep your head on straight and don't let it inflate then there really is no drop when you come off.

Loss of sex drive and temporary issues with erections also bother a lot of guys. This does happen to some guys but it is only temporary. If this happens, just know it will pass soon and don't let it get in your head. Once you start worrying about this stuff it only makes it worse. Running cycles of appropriate lengths also helps this one.

Last thing is a loss of energy. I personally think this one is all in your head. As long as you keep your schedule the same, you shouldn't see a loss in energy. The thing is that since we do lose some strength, lifting becomes less fun. Because we don't get as much attention, being social might not be as much fun. So again, and bottom line, don't let your life or perspective change too much when you are on cycle. Keep yourself safe and keep your life the same.
I agree with dial, raised estrogen and lower amounts of T make you feel more like a bitch but if you are strong mentally you should be able to fight it. I was feeling down for about 3 days post cycle because of things going on in my life at the time but I was able to get through it pretty easily. As far as strength and gains go, I already expected to lose some strength and rage so when it happened it wasnt a big deal to me, I actually tried to keep the workouts intense but with less reps, worked fine. Weight... I lost about 5lbs because of my eating habits. As far as post cycle therapy (pct) went, I ran HCG for 10days to jump start and Nolvadex.
Ding ding the guys above nailed it imo.

Just mentally think, ideally packing on the gains, then they stop and possibly lose some.
I think post cycle depression can be very real if you dont do pct right. I was depressed for about 3 months and timid and acting like a bitch. But time passed and I am better. Lesson learned take arimadex through your cycle and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also use nolvadex and maybe clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I had gotten ripped off and ended up using fucking novatest from xero limits you can get at gnc and tribulus. ha ha ha and to make things worse My new job at that time was telemarketing. I was timid and depressed on calls I fucking hated it. And my manager was this really hot ass girl and i never even got the chance to really hit on her because I was to big of a depressed loser at the time. But Im all good now dont lose sleep over it ha ha ha